Best Employee Onboarding Software

Best Employee Onboarding Software
Last Updated: October 13, 2023

Employee onboarding is integrating new employees into a company and providing them with the necessary training and information to help them acclimate to their new position. It is a crucial process in any organization's HR strategy because it allows new hires to integrate into the company's culture and become productive team members. While traditional onboarding methods often involve a deluge of paperwork and manual processes, modern technology has revolutionized how organizations welcome new employees. Employee onboarding software offers an efficient approach to this essential phase of the employee lifecycle. This guide explores the best employee onboarding software available, its features, benefits, and how it can transform your onboarding process.

Related: 5 Ways to Improve Your Onboarding Process

What is Employee Onboarding Software?

Employee onboarding software is a specialized category of HR technology designed to streamline and enhance the process of integrating new employees into an organization. It offers a digital approach to employee onboarding by replacing traditional and paper-based methods with automated and often interactive processes.

In essence, employee onboarding software acts as a centralized platform that facilitates managing and coordinating various tasks, documents, and interactions required to onboard new employees. It ensures a smoother transition for new hires by guiding them through essential steps and helps HR professionals and managers manage the onboarding process effectively.​

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The Crucial Role of Employee Onboarding


Employee onboarding is more than a routine administrative task; it's a strategic approach to acclimating new hires to the organization's culture, policies, and expectations. A well-executed onboarding process delivers many advantages for the new employees and the organization.

1. Improved Retention: Effective onboarding increases employee retention. Companies implementing a formal onboarding program can see a 50% greater employee retention among recruits. New hires who experience a structured onboarding program are more likely to stay with the company for the long term, reducing turnover costs.

2. Faster Productivity: Efficient onboarding accelerates the time it takes for new employees to become productive in their roles. This ultimately benefits the organization's bottom line. According to Glassdoor, an organization with a standard onboarding program increases new hire productivity by 70%.

3. Enhanced Employee Engagement: Engaged employees are more productive and loyal. A Gallup study found that employees who reported having an exceptional onboarding experience were 2.6 times more likely to be extremely satisfied with their organization. A strategically planned onboarding process lays the foundation for engagement by helping new employees understand their responsibilities and how their work contributes to the company's success.

4. Legal Compliance: Onboarding software can assist in ensuring that all legal requirements are met during the onboarding process, reducing legal risks for the organization. Training information related to compliance includes:

  • OSHA regulations and requirements for worker safety
  • Policies against sexual harassment, assault, or discrimination
  • Customer confidentiality and identity
  • Data privacy and security (in light of regulations like the GDPR)

5. Time and Cost Savings: Streamlining onboarding through software reduces administrative tasks and paperwork, saving time and resources. It frees up HR professionals to focus on more strategic tasks. On average, the training of a single employee is $1,678. However, the American Society for Training and Development states that companies can benefit from a 24% higher profit margin when they invest in employee training.

Related: Employee Onboarding: Complete Guide

Top Employee Onboarding Software Solutions

The onboarding software market offers many solutions, each catering to specific needs and preferences. Here are the top employee onboarding software options to consider:

1. BambooHR: BambooHR is an all-in-one HR software with an employee onboarding module. It offers customizable onboarding workflows, e-signature capabilities, and integration with other HR tools. It's known for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features that streamline the onboarding process.

2. WorkBright: WorkBright specializes in mobile onboarding, simplifying employee and HR processes. It includes document management, e-signatures, and compliance management, making it an ideal choice for organizations with a mobile workforce or distributed teams.

3. Zenefits: Zenefits is a comprehensive HR platform with an employee onboarding component. It offers self-service onboarding, benefits administration, and a user-friendly interface. Zenefits is especially popular among small to mid-sized businesses.

4. Breezy HR: Breezy HR is known for its user-friendly interface and collaborative onboarding features. It includes e-signatures, task assignments, and customizable workflows, making it a favorite among organizations that value ease of use and customization.

5. Talmundo: Talmundo offers a modern, mobile-friendly onboarding experience focusing on cultural integration. Its features include socialization, gamification, and feedback mechanisms, which can be crucial for organizations aiming to create a strong company culture.

6. Gusto: Gusto is a user-friendly payroll and HR platform with onboarding features. It simplifies tax form collection, benefits setup, and other onboarding tasks, making it a popular choice for businesses prioritizing payroll and benefits integration.

7. Sapling: Sapling focuses on automating repetitive onboarding tasks, making it a preferred choice for organizations seeking to streamline administrative processes. It includes integrating other HR tools and features for task assignments, reporting, and analytics.

8. Paycor: Paycor's onboarding software is part of its HR and payroll suite. It offers task assignments, e-signatures, and compliance management, making it a seamless option for businesses looking for HR and payroll integration.

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Key Features to Look for in Employee Onboarding Software

As you evaluate these software solutions, it's essential to consider the features that align with your organization's unique onboarding needs. Here are the key features to look for in employee onboarding software, including some latest trends:

1. Customizable Workflows: Look for software that allows you to create and customize onboarding workflows to match your organization's specific requirements. This flexibility enables you to adapt the onboarding process for different roles, departments, or locations.

2. Document Management: Efficiently manage and store important documents, such as tax forms, employment agreements, and company policies. Advanced document management features should include version control, document signing, and document tracking.

3. Compliance Management: Ensure the software helps you comply with legal requirements and company policies. Compliance features should assist with collecting necessary forms, verifying documentation, and reporting on compliance status.

4. User-friendly Interface: According to Pew Research, not every program user will be computer adept. The older the worker, the less experienced or even eager they are to use technology in their lives, and there will always be early and late adopters. A seamless and user-friendly interface is required to ensure everyone uses it correctly.

5. Task Assignments: Assign tasks to new hires and track their progress in real-time. Task management features should allow you to assign, prioritize, and monitor the completion of onboarding-related tasks, such as training modules, document submissions, and IT setup.

6. Integration Capabilities: Opt for software that seamlessly integrates with your existing HR, payroll, and other business systems. Integration capabilities enable data flow between systems, reducing data duplication and ensuring consistency.

7. Analytics and Reporting: Gain insights into onboarding through analytics and reporting features. Comprehensive analytics can help you identify bottlenecks, measure onboarding effectiveness, and continuously improve the process. Look for customizable reporting options that allow you to create tailored reports to meet your organization's specific needs.

8. Mobile Accessibility: In today's increasingly mobile workforce, having mobile accessibility is crucial. It allows new employees to complete onboarding tasks on their smartphones or tablets, improving user experience and convenience.

9. Gamification and Socialization: Some software solutions offer gamification and socialization features to make onboarding more engaging and interactive. These features can help new hires become more connected to the company culture and their colleagues.

10. Feedback Mechanisms: Feedback mechanisms can help you collect insights from new employees about their onboarding experience. These insights can be invaluable in refining and enhancing your onboarding process.

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Maximizing the Benefits of Employee Onboarding Software

To fully leverage the advantages of employee onboarding software, organizations must follow best practices:

1. Customize Your Onboarding Process: Tailor the onboarding workflow to suit different roles, departments, and locations within your organization. A one-size-fits-all approach may not be the most effective way to onboard diverse employees.

2. Engage and Educate Managers: Managers play a crucial role in onboarding by providing guidance, support, and clear expectations to new employees. Ensure that managers are well-versed in the onboarding process and understand their role.

3. Feedback Loops: Implement feedback mechanisms to gather input from new employees about their onboarding experience. This information should be used to make continuous improvements to your onboarding process.

4. Training and Support: Provide adequate training and support to HR professionals and employees using the onboarding software. A thorough understanding of the software's capabilities ensures it is used to its full potential.

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The Future of Employee Onboarding Software

The future of employee onboarding is likely to be even more technologically advanced and employee-centric. Here are some trends to watch for:

1. AI-Powered Onboarding: Artificial intelligence will play a more significant role in personalizing the onboarding experience. AI can analyze employee data to offer tailored onboarding content and predict potential challenges.

2. Remote Onboarding: Given the increase in remote and hybrid work, onboarding software will continue to adapt to facilitate remote onboarding. This includes virtual onboarding sessions, e-signatures, and enhanced remote collaboration features.

3. Integration and Interoperability: Onboarding software will become more tightly integrated with other HR and business systems, creating a seamless flow of data and reducing duplication of efforts.

4. Enhanced Analytics and Data Insights: Onboarding software will offer more advanced analytics, providing organizations with deeper insights into the onboarding process's effectiveness and areas for improvement.

5. Socialization and Culture Building: There will be an increased focus on onboarding software to facilitate socialization and cultural integration. Gamification, team-building activities, and peer interactions will be more prevalent.

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Effective onboarding is the first step toward cultivating engaged, productive, and loyal employees. Employee onboarding software has become invaluable for simplifying and enhancing this process. With the many options available, assessing your organization's unique needs and choosing the software that aligns with your objectives is necessary. Whether you prioritize customizable workflows, document management, compliance, or a user-friendly interface, the right employee onboarding software can significantly impact your organization's success.

Investing in the best employee onboarding software can improve retention rates, faster productivity, and a more engaged workforce. By embracing modern onboarding solutions and best practices, you can create an onboarding experience that sets your employees on the path to success from day one. The future of employee onboarding is bright, with ongoing technological innovations poised to make the process even more efficient and employee-centric.

Belinda Pondayi
Belinda Pondayi is a seasoned Software Developer with a BSc Honors Degree in Computer Science and a Microsoft 365 Certified: Endpoint Administrator Associate certification. She has experience as a Database Engineer, Website Developer, Mobile App Developer, and Software Developer, having developed over 20 WordPress websites. Belinda is committed to excellence and meticulous in her work. She embraces challenges with a problem-solving mindset and thinks creatively to overcome obstacles. Passionate about continuous improvement, she regularly seeks feedback and stays updated with emerging technologies like AI. Additionally, she writes content for the Human Capital Hub blog.

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