The Difference Between Scrum Master and Project Manager

The Difference Between Scrum Master and Project Manager
Last Updated: November 21, 2023

The role of project management has evolved significantly in our modern business landscape. Traditional project management methodologies that are characterized by structured and linear processes are facing competition from agile methodologies that emphasize adaptability and collaboration. As organizations strive to deliver projects more efficiently, the roles of Scrum Master and Project Manager have emerged as crucial players in this paradigm shift. This article will dive in-depth into these roles by exploring their responsibilities, differences, and the impact they have on project success.

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Traditional Project Management

Definition of Project Manager


A project manager is a professional who is responsible for the planning, procurement, and execution of a project in any undertaking that has a defined scope, defined start and end dates, and a budget. Project managers are the keystones of project success, steering teams through well-defined processes from initiation to completion.

However, as the business landscape evolves, the limitations of traditional project management become apparent. The rigidity of these methodologies can hinder adaptability, especially in industries where rapid changes are the norm.

Historical Context of Project Management

The concept of project management has its roots in the late nineteenth century, with the work of Frederick Winslow Taylor, Henry Gantt, and others who helped make project management a distinct business function that requires study and discipline. The origin of project management is also attributed to Henri Fayol's five functions of a manager, namely planning, organizing, coordinating, controlling and directing or commanding. Over time, the discipline evolved, finding its way into various industries. Today, project management is a well-established discipline, with the basic precepts of project management represented by the project triangle, a symbol popularized by Harold Kerzner in his landmark work, Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling.

While these methodologies served well for many years, the increasing pace of technological advancements and market demands prompted the need for a more flexible and responsive approach to project management.

Related: The Characteristics that Can Make you a Good Project Manager

Emergence of Agile Methodologies

Introduction to Agile and its Principles

Agile methodologies, with their roots in software development, have gained widespread acceptance across industries. The Agile Manifesto, a guiding document created by a group of 17 software developers in 2001, emphasizes values such as individuals and interactions over processes and tools and responding to change over following a plan.

Agile methodologies prioritize collaboration, customer feedback, flexibility and iterative development, providing a more adaptable framework for project execution. Within the realm of agile, one of the most prominent frameworks is Scrum.

Scrum Framework as a Prominent Agile Methodology

The Scrum framework is a prominent agile methodology used in software development and other sectors to streamline project management and product development through iterative and incremental processes. It provides a structured yet flexible way for teams to work together on a project, promoting iterative development and constant communication. At the heart of the Scrum framework is the role of the Scrum Master.

The Role of Scrum Master

Definition and Purpose of a Scrum Master

The Scrum Master is not a traditional project manager but rather a servant-leader for the Scrum team. Their primary focus is to facilitate the Scrum process, ensuring that the team adheres to Scrum theory, practices, and rules. Unlike the Project Manager, the Scrum Master doesn't dictate tasks or enforce deadlines but fosters an environment where the team can collaborate and thrive.

The Scrum Master acts as a shield, protecting the team from external distractions and impediments, allowing them to focus on delivering high-quality increments. Their role is fundamentally tied to the success of the Scrum framework, promoting self-organization and continuous improvement.

Core Competencies and Skills of a Scrum Master

The core competencies and skills of a Scrum Master encompass a range of abilities that enable them to effectively facilitate and coach the Scrum team and the broader organization in understanding and applying Scrum theory and practice.

  • Facilitation: The ability to facilitate meetings, discussions, and decision-making processes within the Scrum team to ensure that the team follows the Scrum processes.
  • Mentoring: Guiding and advising team members, product owners, and stakeholders on Agile values and Scrum events and artefacts to ensure they understand their roles.
  • Teaching: Advocating for Scrum philosophy, values, and structure and educating the organization on the empirical approach inherent in Scrum.
  • Coaching: Observing, actively listening, and asking open-ended questions to help individuals and teams self-discover solutions.
  • Systems Thinking: The ability to see the interplay of various components and the resultant overall system and to avoid local optimization.
  • Adaptability: The skill to swiftly adapt to changing organizational systems and team needs to ensure flexibility in response to changing requirements and priorities.
  • Collaboration: The ability to collaborate with peers and other Scrum Masters within the organization, setting an example for the team and inspiring a collaborative environment.

The Role of Project Manager

Distinctive Features of a Project Manager

In contrast to the Scrum Master, the Project Manager responsibilities are a more traditional and structured role in project management. They are responsible for overseeing the project from conception to completion, ensuring that it aligns with the organization's goals and objectives.

  • Leadership: Effective project managers demonstrate strong leadership skills, inspiring and guiding their teams to achieve project goals and objectives.
  • Integrity: Project managers are expected to uphold high ethical standards, honesty, and reliability, fostering trust and accountability within the team and with stakeholders.
  • Organizational Skills: Extraordinary organizational abilities enable project managers to efficiently plan, prioritize, and manage project resources, timelines, and deliverables.
  • Strategic Business Acumen: Possessing a strong understanding of business strategy, financial management, and strategic decision-making.
  • Technical Expertise: Project managers should have a sound understanding of the technical aspects of the projects they oversee.
  • Risk Management: Competency in identifying, analyzing, and managing project risks is crucial for project managers to mitigate potential issues and ensure project success.
  • Quality Management: Project managers must be competent in managing project quality, ensuring that deliverables meet the required standards and specifications.
  • Resource Management: Effective project managers are skilled in managing project resources, including human resources and budget, to ensure efficient project delivery.

Comparison with Scrum Master

While both roles aim to ensure project success, there are notable differences in their approaches and focuses. The Project Manager operates within a structured framework, meticulously planning and executing projects, while the Scrum Master operates within the agile Scrum framework, emphasizing adaptability and collaboration.

Overlapping Responsibilities: Despite their differences, Project Managers and Scrum Masters share some overlapping responsibilities, such as the need for effective communication and leadership skills. Both roles require the ability to navigate challenges, motivate teams, and maintain a focus on project objectives.

Differences in Approach and Focus: The primary distinction lies in their approach to project management. Project Managers follow a comprehensive, structured plan, whereas Scrum Masters thrive in an environment that allows for flexibility and embraces change. The focus of a Project Manager is on meeting predefined project objectives, while a Scrum Master prioritizes continuous improvement and responding to evolving requirements.

Key Differences Between Scrum Master and Project Manager

As organizations navigate the decision between adopting agile methodologies or adhering to traditional project management, understanding the key differences between Scrum Masters and Project Managers becomes essential.

Project Scope and Planning: Traditional project management involves thorough upfront planning, where the scope, timeline, and budget are meticulously defined before execution. On the other hand, Scrum embraces change, and the scope is allowed to evolve throughout the project, adapting to customer feedback and market dynamics.

Team Collaboration and Communication: The Scrum Master operates as a facilitator, fostering collaboration and communication within a small team. The emphasis is on self-organization and shared decision-making. In contrast, Project Managers often follow a hierarchical structure, with a more directive approach to larger team coordination and communication.

Change Management and Adaptability: Traditional project management methodologies can struggle to accommodate changes once the project is underway, as alterations may disrupt the predefined plan. Scrum, built on the principles of adaptability and continuous improvement, welcomes changes, treating them as opportunities for enhancing project outcomes.

Measurement of Success and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): The success metrics for each role differ. Project Managers typically measure success against predefined project objectives, focusing on factors such as on-time delivery, adherence to budget, and meeting quality standards. Scrum Masters, on the other hand, may emphasize metrics like team velocity, sprint burndown, and stakeholder satisfaction.

Adoption Rates of Agile Methodologies

The shift towards agile methodologies has seen a significant increase in recent years. According to a study by MarketSplash, the highest adoption rate of Agile methodologies is seen in software development, where 86% of teams have implemented Agile practices. Another study by GoRemotely revealed that 71% of companies use Agile approaches, and Agile success rates are more than 1.5 times higher than traditional methods. This trend indicates a widespread recognition of the benefits of agile methodologies.

Job Market Trends

According to Glassdoor, the average salary range for Scrum Masters in the US is from $92k to $139k per year. The Scrum Master role is in high demand in the IT industry, with a growing number of companies adopting Agile methodologies and Scrum frameworks. The Scrum Master role is expected to grow by 24% from 2020 to 2030, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

According to Glassdoor, the average salary range for Project Managers in the US is from $77k to $129k per year. The Project Manager role is in high demand across various industries, including construction, healthcare, IT, and finance. The Project Manager role is expected to grow by 11% from 2020 to 2030, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Training and Certification

Educational Paths for Scrum Masters and Project Managers

Aspiring Scrum Masters often pursue certifications the following certification to acquire the necessary skills:

These certifications provide a foundation in agile principles, the Scrum framework, and the role-specific responsibilities of a Scrum Master.

  1. Certified ScrumMaster (CSM): Offered by the Scrum Alliance, the CSM certification is recommended for current and aspiring Scrum team leaders across industries or anybody who expects to work on cross-functional teams and solve complex problems. The certification entails taking a course of at least fourteen hours of training and passing an exam at the end.
  2. Advanced Certified ScrumMaster (ACSM) and Certified Scrum Professional ScrumMaster (CSP-SM): More advanced certifications from the Scrum Alliance on the Scrum Master track, providing further expertise in Scrum principles and practices.
  3. Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I): Offered by, the PSM I certification validates understanding of the Scrum framework. No coursework is required, but candidates need to pass an exam to be PSM certified.

Project Managers, on the other hand, often pursue the following certifications to validate their project management expertise:

  1. Project Management Professional (PMP): Offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI), the PMP certification is a globally recognized certification for project managers. It requires a combination of education and professional project management experience, as well as passing a rigorous exam.
  2. Google Project Management: Professional Certificate: An online course that provides foundational knowledge in project management and Scrum, offering an opportunity to learn the basics of project management and Scrum.
  3. Projects in Controlled Environments PRINCE2: The PRINCE2 certification is a process-based method that covers the entire project lifecycle from initiation to closure. The certification has two levels: Foundation and Practitioner, covering the basic principles, while the Practitioner level covers how to apply PRINCE2 to different types of projects and scenarios.

Skill Sets Required for Each Role

While there is some overlap in the skill sets required for Scrum Masters and Project Managers, the emphasis differs.

Scrum Master Skills:

  • Facilitation and coaching
  • Conflict resolution
  • Servant leadership
  • Collaboration and communication
  • Adaptability

Project Manager Skills:

  • Comprehensive project planning
  • Risk management
  • Stakeholder communication
  • Budgeting and resource allocation
  • Decision-making under uncertainty

Professional Development Opportunities

Continuous learning and professional development are vital for success in both roles. Scrum Masters and Project Managers can benefit from attending workshops, conferences, and webinars to stay updated on industry trends and best practices. Networking within professional organizations, such as the Scrum Alliance or Project Management Institute, provides valuable insights and opportunities for collaboration with peers.


Understanding the nuanced differences between Scrum Masters and Project Managers is essential for organizations striving to deliver successful projects. The traditional rigidity of project management methodologies is being challenged by the flexibility and collaboration embedded in agile frameworks like Scrum.

The decision between adopting a traditional project management approach or embracing agile methodologies hinges on the nature of the project and the organizational culture. Some projects may benefit from the predictability and structure offered by traditional methods, while others thrive in the dynamic and adaptive environment fostered by Scrum.

Belinda Pondayi
Belinda Pondayi is a seasoned Software Developer with a BSc Honors Degree in Computer Science and a Microsoft 365 Certified: Endpoint Administrator Associate certification. She has experience as a Database Engineer, Website Developer, Mobile App Developer, and Software Developer, having developed over 20 WordPress websites. Belinda is committed to excellence and meticulous in her work. She embraces challenges with a problem-solving mindset and thinks creatively to overcome obstacles. Passionate about continuous improvement, she regularly seeks feedback and stays updated with emerging technologies like AI. Additionally, she writes content for the Human Capital Hub blog.

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