Starting a new job: A step by step guide

Starting a new job: A step by step guide
Last Updated: September 4, 2023

A wave of emotions comes with starting a new job. You're undoubtedly ecstatic about the unlimited possibilities while experiencing some nervousness about this new phase. There's a lot of pressure to succeed. There are high expectations for wonderful things to happen. There are new acquaintances to be made. I understand that it's a lot to take in.


According to a 2016 Robert Half report, 63 percent of CFOs offer new employees less than three months to prove their worth, and 9% give them less than a month. In this regard, yes, you celebrate passing the interview and getting the job, but it does not end there. Starting a new job should also be prepared for because, as the report by Robert Half demonstrates, this is the time to prove your worth.

Common New Job Errors to Avoid

According to Robert Half, new employees make five frequent blunders within their first ninety days on the job:

  • Failure to inquire and clarify expectations
  • Excessive discussion of a prior job or organization
  • Taking up an excessive amount of work
  • Ignoring the company culture
  • Remaining private or closed

If you want things to go well for you, adapt to the culture of your place. Don't act as if you know everything. Instead of bragging about how things were done at your old organization, learn how things are done at your current one before recommending any improvements. This will help you not bring your old company culture into your new work environment. Think of it this way, look at your new job as a woman getting married. The lady leaves her family and everything she knows when she gets married and learns about the husband's culture and how things are done.


Related: Key questions to ask yourself when starting a new job

Don't upset the balance. Requesting a flexible schedule or extra time off should have been handled during the negotiation process, not at the start of your employment. Also, pay attention to the company culture and model your conduct after it.


Don't shut yourself off from the rest of the world. Invite your coworkers out for lunch or coffee to network and learn more about their careers. Look for ways to help them as you learn more about their profession.


Starting in a new job



  • Be Conscious of Your First Impression

According to TheBalanceCareers, you should be conscious of your first impressions when starting a new job. Take the time to prepare for your first day on the job so that you can make a good impression on your new coworkers. This includes making any personal appointments or arrangements before your first day.


Once you've started the job, make it a goal to earn your supervisor's and coworkers'

trust and develop strong relationships within and outside your department. Make sure you are in a position to accomplish your best work. This will lay a solid foundation for your future career with the organization.


It's critical to be the new hire who pays attention, asks questions, and interacts with coworkers. Remember that everyone has been in your shoes before, and most individuals are eager to assist in ensuring a seamless transition for the new employee.


  • Associate with positive individuals.

At all costs, stay away from whiners and slackers. Avoid complaining to coworkers because you never know who might quote you or paint a negative light on you. If someone begins to complain or gossip about you directly, try to remain "neutral" as much as possible. Ask productive inquiries instead of deflecting or switching topics if you can't deflect or switch topics.


  • Recognize top performers

Identify high-potential employees at your level and examine what makes them effective in their positions. This might provide you with an understanding of what the company values in terms of talents, abilities, and accomplishments.


  • Establishing Relationships

Develop excellent working connections with employees at all levels of the business, focusing on the folks you will be working with regularly. Strong relationships can not only improve your entire work experience, but most firms do 360-degree evaluations of employees, so it is critical to get along with coworkers who may be reviewing you.


  • Make a development strategy.

Make a professional development plan with specific goals and objectives that outline what you will learn and improve your skills. Find out what qualifications, coursework, and degrees would be most beneficial in developing your career by consulting management, the Human Resources department, or professionals in your area.


Related: 15 Do's and Dont's for Starting a New Job

  • Don't take too much vacation time.

Keep track of how much vacation time you take throughout your first year. Because the first few months at a new job are so important for getting you up to speed, you should try to avoid taking long vacations if at all feasible, except for a previously planned holiday that you mentioned during the interview process. If you must take time off for whatever reason, do everything you can to ensure that your productivity is not harmed.


  • Make changes to your LinkedIn profile.

Upgrade your LinkedIn profile to reflect your current position, or create one if you do not have one currently. Maintain your profile by interacting with new coworkers, joining relevant professional groups, and requesting colleagues, clients, and other professional contacts for recommendations over time.


  • Keep in touch and remember to be grateful.

Express your appreciation and stay in touch with anyone who helped you get this new position, such as your references. If they can follow along as your profession progresses, they will feel more engaged with you the next time you need their support. You do not have to forget about your previous job entirely, keep in touch with them, it might be helpful along the way.


  • Look after yourself.

Maintaining your mental health, social life, and physical health is very important at this stage. Starting a new job can be overwhelming, but you should maintain your work-life balance. It can also be mentally and physically draining to start a new career. However, you don't want to overwork yourself in the beginning. Make sure to look after your well-being and spend time doing things that make you feel good. While you may feel compelled to devote every waking hour to your new job, doing so can swiftly deteriorate your health and have a detrimental impact on your relationships.


Starting a new job checklist

  • Prepare and plan your attire- First impressions matter
  • Make a list of small-talk topics.
  • Make a commute plan- Make sure you are familiar with the route and depart a few minutes early to make sure there are any delays.
  • Make a timer.
  • Prepare healthful lunches in advance for the week.
  • Prepare your belongings.
  • Relax your nerves by doing something soothing.
  • Get a good night's sleep by going to bed early, especially when preparing for the first day.
  • Learn about your position
  • Do lots of research


Essential Tips for Transitioning into a New Job

Below are some suggestions for easing the transition of starting a new job

Familiarize yourself with the environment in which you will be working

Your supervisor should show you around your office on your first day, including the restrooms, kitchen, and staff rooms. Make sure you inquire if they do not offer.


Examine the most efficient mode of transportation to work

Make sure you arrive on time for your first day of work. Get to know your coworkers. Introduce yourself and say hi. Participate in business social gatherings.


Recognize what your work entails

Keep a copy of your job description on hand to keep track of the duties you're accountable for.


Pose inquiries

Employers don't expect you to know everything, and asking questions can demonstrate your eagerness to learn, which can be very remarkable.


Allow time to pass

Starting a new career, especially if it's your first full-time employment after graduating from high school, can be jarring.


Deal with any issues that arise

If you have any workplace challenges and issues, find out who you should contact.


Relax and set aside some time for yourself

It's critical to set aside time after work and on weekends to unwind and refuel. Make sure you get adequate sleep as well.


Munodiwa Zvemhara is a Talent Acquisition Consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd, a management and human resources consulting firm. Phone +263 (242) 481946-48/481950 or email:  or visit our website at

Munodiwa Zvemhara

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