Interview With Hiring Manager: Everything you need to know

Interview With Hiring Manager: Everything you need to know
Last Updated: January 10, 2023


A hiring manager is an individual who serves as the prospective employee's immediate superior and comes from the department where they will be employed. The hiring manager makes the ultimate decision of whether to hire an individual or not. When preparing for an interview with the hiring manager, there are certain things to consider. These include what to say, how to behave and how to prepare. These issues are pivotal in impressing the hiring manager and potentially getting the job. However, the most important thing to remember is that the hiring manager wants to know if you can perform and carry out the duties and responsibilities of the position. This article guides job seekers on the things to consider when preparing for an interview with the hiring manager.


1. Have a clear understanding of the Job Description


Having a clear understanding of the job description is the ammunition one needs in acing an interview with the hiring manager. The hiring manager wants to have confidence in knowing that their potential hire will be able to do the job well. It is therefore pivotal that one has a full appreciation of the job description before the interview. The job description is usually provided in the job advert, so it is readily available for one to go through it. The next part is to give examples from your previous experience of how you have carried out the duties and responsibilities in the job description. Talking about your experience in relation to the job description will reinforce that you are the perfect candidate for the position.


2. Have a clear understanding of the values and goals of the organization you are applying to.

Understanding the values and goals of the organization you are applying to is another aspect you must consider when preparing for an interview with the hiring manager. Making a connection between your potential role and the values and goals of the organization will make you stand out. This connection shows the hiring manager that you are a star candidate with a clear understanding of both the demands of the job and the organization. An example of this would be a candidate who applies for the position of Marketing Manager for Apple. Let's say the values of Apple are to be the world's most sustainable producer of technical gadgets. The importance of your role would thus be to advertise Apple products not only in the most sustainable way feasible, but also to seek for ways that help promote the products in the most eco-friendly way possible. As a result, it is evident that there is a distinction between knowing the function in respect to the job description and understanding the role in connection to your knowledge of the organization's aims and values.


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3. Be respectful and well-mannered.

This is a golden rule in any interview, regardless of who makes up the interview panel. This is even more relevant when interviewing with the hiring manager. The hiring manager wants to see if you can respect them and work well under them. In such interviews, the hiring manager is very alert to body language and what the candidate will say. It is, therefore, important that candidates be extra aware of how they are communicating both verbally and physically. Your choice of words will either attract or put off the hiring manager. It is essential to be wary of your choice of words as they are detrimental to the outcome of the interview. One must always be mindful of showing respect to the hiring manager.


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4. Know what to say and when to keep quiet.

Due to nerves, many candidates say unnecessary and inappropriate information. It is therefore essential to be mindful of this. One way to avoid rambling is to structure potential responses to common interview questions. This will act as a guideline in the face of the interview situation. A well-thought-out and adequate response to an interview question should range between 3- 5mins. If you see yourself surpassing 5 minutes whilst answering a single question, you are rambling and mentioning irrelevant information. It is also important to avoid talking about your personal life unless you are specifically prompted to. If you are prompted to talk about your personal life, you must do so sparingly. Under no circumstance must you go in depth about your faith, religious affiliations, sexuality, or marital views. This can be offensive to the hiring manager or portray you as an unfocused candidate. There are certain cases where this is acceptable, for example, if you apply for a faith-based organization. In such an organization, mentioning your faith will reinforce you as a strong candidate.


5. Do Research on the hiring manager

Targeting to know the hiring manager before the interview is something a candidate can use to their advantage. Remember, an interview is a two-way street. You can look up the hiring manager on LinkedIn and get a feel of who they are before you meet them. This helps boost confidence and you can even get hints on issues that interest them that you can use in the interview.



In conclusion, the most important things to know when preparing for an interview with the hiring manager are the job description, the values of the organization, and the relevance of your role in connection with the organisation's values. Other things that are also important include your body language, your choice of words, and your attitude. 


Mutsawashe Musvaire

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