Uncertainty is one of the things that drives individuals insane when applying for jobs. Of course, you always hope to receive a job offer, but if recruiters provide you with timely feedback on your application status — even if it's negative — you can usually handle it. However, those days following an interview when you aren't sure where you stand can be exasperating - especially if you believe you did a good job.
Although a hiring manager will not tell you whether or not you will be hired, there are common signs you may look for to gain insight into their thinking.
Today, we'd like to discuss the indicators that can help you sleep soundly following job interviews. Well, tell you 10 signs to keep an eye out for. The majority of them will become apparent during the interview. However, some are only applicable after the interview, either immediately or later.
While these aren't the only indicators, they will aid you in remembering the interview and drawing an informed conclusion. Knowing who they are can also aid you in spotting them throughout the interview.
Let's get started
Related: Preparing for a job interview
1. It's obvious from their body language

Even if a hiring manager is trying to keep a calm demeanor, their positive body language may reveal their interest in you as a candidate.
"Head nodding, foot motions, agreeable hmms, and other noises are subtle signs that they desire you," explains Valerie Streif, Mentats Senior Adviser. " People are unaware of how much of their inner thoughts and opinions are revealed by these simple motions!"
According to Muse career coach Eliot Kaplan, former VP of Talent Acquisition at Hearst Magazines, nonverbal communication, particularly body language signs, carries a lot of weight. " Is it clear that the recruiter is paying attention to what you're saying?" When you say something exceptionally incisive, do they lean forward? Smiling? "Do they glint their eyes?"
While it may be more difficult to detect these indications in a video interview, there are a few things to keep an eye out for. If your interviewer, for example, establishes frequent eye contact with the camera and sits straight rather than slumped in their chair, that's a positive signal.
Related: 10 Ways of Winning an interview panel
2. The interviewer used the word "when," NOT "if"
Interviewers strive not to raise candidates' expectations, so they'll say something like "The person in this job would do ABC" or "If recruited, you'd start at this time." However, if they are convinced that you are the successful candidate for the job, it may show over in their word choice unintentionally.
Potential candidates are likely to be asked interview questions that begin with the word "If."
Here are a few examples of interview questions that begin with the word "if."
- What would be your first move if you were hired?
- What would you do if we hired you and your team members to reject the modifications you proposed?
- How would you react if you were assigned a customer who said he wanted to work with your predecessor?
If you've observed, the word "If" conjures up images of potential. There is a chance that you will get hired. However, it's possible you won't be hired as a result of this.
"Language like here is where you'll be working, or our receptionist will assist you in getting situated following HR training, are major indicators that they're considering you for the position," says April Klimkiewicz, career adviser and owner of happy evolution. "Pay attention to linguistic indications like this that strongly suggest they see you working there."
If the hiring manager uses the term "When," especially near the end of the interview session, it means you've already been vetted and it's likely to be a successful interview. Even though tension is rising within you, you can relax knowing that everything went smoothly.
Related: How To Answer 10 Common Interview Questions
3. The interview developed into a casual conversation

You expected the interview process to be frigid, as did many other job hopefuls. Having questions flung at you while being judged on every word and movement you make. And, while that may have been the case at first, you may have realized that things have changed.
The interview gradually became more relaxed, and the dialogue became more amicable. Of course, you couldn't just disregard caution and start answering as if you were conversing with a buddy.
Protip: When an interview turns into a casual conversation, it is time to demonstrate your superb interpersonal skills and impress the panel.
This, on the other hand, indicates that the interviewer has faith in your ability to solve the company's challenges. You've already been identified as a strong candidate.
When this occurs, the recruiting manager and the other members of the panel begin to regard you as a colleague. They may not express it openly, but they already regard you as someone with whom they can spend time during office breaks and discuss work-related issues.
More evidence of this can be seen in the fact that your interview session takes longer than usual, even though this is not due to the panel's dissatisfaction with your replies.
Because the conversation was relaxed, you may have observed the hiring manager telling you a little bit more about herself—even if it was just about her work.
Related: What employers look for in Job Candidates
4. They show that they enjoy what they hear
Your interviewers may be so direct that they tell you you have the abilities and experience they're looking for.
“If you ask, "What does your ideal candidate for this position look like?" you'll get a lot of different answers." Well, when you talked about [a specific project or attribute], you summed it up, they say at the end of the interview session. "That's exactly what we're looking for...," Klimkiewicz says, "is a strong signal that they think you're an amazing fit for the role."
5. Your interview took longer than anticipated

Many excellent interviews last the entire interview duration you were given. If the interviewer seems ready to ask more questions after the interview is completed, you may be invited to a second interview to go over the topics raised in the initial interview in greater depth.
Your interview duration was supposed to last half an hour, but it took closer to 45 minutes or an hour for it to end. Most likely, the hiring manager was interested in you and the information you were offering.
"As a previous recruiter, I didn't want to waste anyone's time if I thought it wasn't a good fit, so I'd usually close up right on time," explains Emily Liou, founder and career happiness coach at CultiVitae. "If we identified a terrific candidate, though, we would devote extra time to learning what we needed to know to make an informed decision."
Keep in mind that this is highly context-dependent; for example, if you're running late because the interviewer keeps rephrasing the same questions, they may believe you're not providing clear enough answers. On the other hand, it's probably an excellent sign if they seem interested and eagerly dig into a variety of topics.
6. You were introduced to other team members by the interviewer
A hiring manager may be eager to introduce you to other employees if they believe your personality, experience, and skills match those of their team. They could take you on a tour of the office and show you around the various departments. This usually signifies they think you'd be a good fit for the job and the organization. Smile and shake hands with each employee to maintain a pleasant and professional demeanor.
7. The job and company were "sold" to you by your interviewer

If you impress the recruiting manager, they may try to pique your interest even further by offering more information such as company perks and advantages to entice you to work there. Smile, nod, and ask questions to show your interest in learning more about the role. Interviewers are more interested in applicants who are enthusiastic about their work and duties, as this indicates that they will add valuable projects and ideas to the company.
It can be difficult to remember that job interviews are meant to be reciprocal, but they are. The employer is determining whether you are a good fit for the role and the firm, while you are gathering additional information to determine whether this is a place you want to work.
With that in mind, if the interviewer is actively selling you on the job—by promoting things like growth potential, incentives, company culture, and awards, among other things— it's a positive signal they want to pique your interest in the role. Take note if they inquire about your job search and whether you're interviewing with other companies. They might be determining how competitive an offer they should make.
8. Remuneration discussion
You know you're in excellent hands when interviewers switch from having you prove you're a good fit for the position to presenting all the great things their organization has to offer.
"Once they've decided they want you to work there, they completely change gears and try to sell the firm to you," Streif continues, "so that if you've interviewed at numerous locations, you'll choose to take their offer." "If they didn't want you to work with them, why would they spend more time in the interview than necessary?"
Related: 9 Salary Negotiating Tips For 2022
9. You talked about the following phases in the hiring procedure
The interviewer may be confident in bringing you forward in the hiring process, prompting them to explore the next stages with you, which could include first, second, and third interviews. You might also get details on who you'll be meeting with, such as your potential department manager, the CEO, or a panel of team members.
If your interviewer went into great depth regarding the recruitment process and what you may expect next, it suggests they're interested in you and want you to know what's going on.
This is not only a positive sign for your candidacy, but it also tells a lot about the company. It demonstrates that they have a well-organized hiring process and place high importance on transparency for their candidates (and likely their employees too).
10. Follow-Up Questions Were Asked
Interested interviewers will probe further into your responses with follow-up questions. " Are they asking you relevant follow-up questions to what you're saying?" Or do they appear to be going through a checklist of required questions?" says Kaplan.
Even if it feels a little daunting at the time, pressing you for more information is a good indication. Keep in mind that if they're simply repeating the same question, it could indicate that you didn't provide enough information in your previous response.
Related: 25 Unique Questions to ask interviewers [& 10 Questions to Avoid]
Bonus point: Interviewer Responds Well To Your Follow-up Email
Determine how long it takes your interviewer or human resources contact to respond after you've sent your thank-you note expressing your gratitude for the interview opportunity. A quick response is fantastic news, but pay attention to the tone of the communication.
"Thank you for taking the time to come in and visit with us!" We are grateful for your assistance and will contact you later this week. "Have a wonderful day!" "You are welcome, and thank you," sounds considerably better than "You are welcome, and thank you." "I'll get back to you soon."
The Bad Signs to Watch for
What are some of the telltale symptoms of a terrible interview? Recognizing that your interview did not go well allows you to conduct some post-interview damage control. Learn how to spot the signs that your interview isn't going well and what you can do about it.
1. Interviewer's Negative Body Language
Observing the hiring manager's or interviewer's body language is one of the quickest ways to determine whether or not an interview is going well.
After you start talking, the interviewer may begin to reveal body language indicators (both good and bad) within the first few questions and responses.
So, as far as you can tell, do they appear interested and engaged? Or do they appear to be drowsy and tired?
Because nonverbal communication accounts for about 70% of all communication, these are the warning signals to look for in an interviewer:
- Watching the clock,
- Watching the clock,
- Jiggles with stuff on the desk, jewellery, or clothing
- Avoiding eye contact
Of course, each interviewer has his or her own personality and body language, and you've probably never met this person before, so don't put too much stock in this one indicator.
If an interviewer appears to have poor body language, it could simply be a reflection of their personality or habits.
2. Dumb Questions from the Interviewer
If things aren't going well in your interview, the interviewer may ask you some ridiculous questions, such as general knowledge or something else. This is a waste of time, and he is simply wasting his time with you since he has no intention of hiring you.
If you are not asked any questions about your talents or potential, or if you are not given any information about the job profile, this indicates a poor interview session.
During the interview phase, asking foolish questions is a waste of time.
3. Lack of Rapport with the Interviewer
When the interviewer is certain that you are the best candidate for the position, he will strive to establish a cordial rapport with you. He is trying to make you feel at ease.
If the choice to hire you is confirmed, some interviewers may even inquire about your family background or family members.
However, if the situation is completely flipped, and even after the interview is completed, there is no genuine connection between you and the interviewer, you will most likely be rejected. This is because you are still a candidate who is completely unsuitable for his job position in his eyes.
4. No Questions about your Skills and Experience
Some of the initial questions in an interview are designed to assess your motive for looking for work, your personality, and so on. However, an interviewer would most likely want to learn more about your experience, current responsibilities, and so on.
So it's a red flag if you're asked a lot of interview questions regarding your general motivation to look for work, what you want to accomplish next, and why, such as:
- Why did you apply for this role in the first place?
- Why are you interested in this position?
- Why did you leave your previous position?
- In five years, where do you see yourself?
If you answer one of these early questions incorrectly... It could be a deal-breaker, preventing you from moving on to more important topics.
If an employer is concerned about your motivation, work ethic, and commitment to working for them, they will be less concerned about your specific talents and experience.
If you don't wow them with your answers to the first few interview questions, the interviewer may skip over the experience-based questions because they've already decided you're not someone they want to hire.
Make sure you practice the above-mentioned typical questions.
5. Not Inquiring About Your Availability
Last but not least, if the interviewer wants to recruit you, he will want to know your availability, which includes when you can start working and other similar inquiries.
If your interview went poorly and you were not hired, there is no need to go over these topics again because it would be a waste of time for both of you.
In a nutshell…
Interviews are typically high-stress situations for job seekers, and it's natural to be concerned about your performance. However, with this list, you'll be able to predict if you'll hear from the interviewer or even get employed.
Even if you didn't get the job, evaluating the interviewer's emotions will help you move forward more quickly. Simply take what you've learned and use it to improve your performance in future interviews.
This article was written by Nicholas T. Mushayi, a consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants. He can be contacted at nicholas@ipcconsultants.com