Human Resources Technology Trends: What You Need to Know

Human Resources Technology Trends: What You Need to Know
Last Updated: June 8, 2024

Human Resources Technology Trends are the general trajectories of Human Resources software and related equipment in automating and developing HR business functions.


HR technology trends have been used in recent years as significant employers worldwide have adopted core HR technology trends from specialized HR tech suppliers as well as enterprise software firms like Oracle and SAP. Many organizations are transitioning from existing on-premises systems to cloud platforms, including SaaS. Small and midsized businesses are also taking significant steps to digitize their HR processes, frequently turning to SaaS platforms or cloud-based suppliers for HR technology outsourcing.


58 percent of businesses utilize trending HR technology to locate, lure, and keep outstanding employees. Before the pandemic, human resources technology was already well on its way to breakthroughs, but Covid-19 significantly accelerated the sector.


According to the most recent estimates, the market for HR technology software will surpass $10 billion this year, representing a 10.4% compound annual growth rate for the industry as a whole. It is important to remember that this expansion will result in a significant change in trends. Businesses will be seeking fresher, more effective ways to use this technology.


According to a recent poll, 44 percent of HR departments currently use cloud HR technology to increase productivity and efficiency, while 35 percent use it to reduce costs. In the same PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) survey, the top issues for HR departments were identified as retention, recruitment, and employee upskilling.


Many innovations in human resources technology still need to be implemented. How will the integration of Gen Z into the workforce, increased social awareness of workplace challenges, and technological advancements affect talent management? The following trends will shape the future of human resource management.

Related: Ten key HR technology trends to watch


What is an HR technology solution?

Software, digital platforms, sap bi tools, and cloud-based technology trends used in HR include those that securely store data, automate routine tasks, and offer analytical tools to help make more strategic decisions.


HR technology is a business solution essential to the company's achievement. Organizations that employ HR software perform better than those that don't, according to SHRM research.




The human resources sector has seen unheard-of transformations during the last few years. HR professionals changed their work habits and enhanced their abilities due to the growing drive for a more diverse workforce, artificial intelligence (AI) development, and machine learning (ML). Below are the current HR technology trends:

Moving Human Resources Tools to the Cloud

Many businesses today are struggling with the misalignment of human resource management aspects. Hiring, onboarding, performance reviews, and payroll must all be automated, necessitating various solutions.

Because of cloud-based HR tech trends, all team members can access critical workplace information at any time, increasing the usability of HR technology. Cloud talent management solutions, as one of the most recent developments in HR management, provide numerous benefits, which include:

  • Reducing the possibility of human error in data entry
  • Encourage group teamwork and interdependence
  • Reduce the overhead associated with managing daily tasks.
  • Saving businesses time and money
  • They are more adaptable and simpler to upgrade than a distributed toolkit.


Using Tools for employee analytics

The gap between corporate management and employees can be filled by using people analytics solutions. Data Science and Artificial Intelligence are used to analyze, process, and find trends in employee data.

The examples below demonstrate how analytics tools can be used at various levels of human resource management:

  • Identifying a person's preferred learning style to improve their skill set
  • Employee engagement levels are charted, the causes of oscillations are identified, and personalized reports with team management advice are delivered.


Related: The future of HR Technology


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning use

The IEEE Global Study projects that 5G (17%), cloud computing (20%), artificial intelligence and machine learning (21%) will all be significant HR technology trends in 2022. 66 percent of global company leaders and analysts concur that AI will be the primary driver of innovation over the next 1 to 5 years. For instance, Mark Hornung thinks that in 2022, AI and ML will enable HR managers to handle less work while still enhancing the overall efficiency of their companies.

The following are the most typical AI goals at work:

  • Intelligent employee scheduling – involving estimating the number of workers required to complete a job
  • Ensuring impartiality in the interview process and treatment of job applicants and workers
  • Automating routine tasks.


Blockchain integration

As more organizations adopt digital transformation, business managers will face new issues, such as data security and access control. Teams will thus consider embracing HR tech trends, like blockchain-based workplace transparency and data integrity solutions.

The main goals that blockchain integration will assist HR managers in achieving are as follows:


Blockchain registries safeguard data from illegal access, thanks to key-based access. Projects like the Trusted Global Network for HR Data will make it easier for appropriate parties to access data.


Blockchain increases human resources systems' quality, which exponentially enhances communication across talent departments and gives programmers advice on how to better their work.


Using the Blockchain to manage vast amounts of sensitive information about the organization and its employees offers HR departments a high level of protection.


Biometric time tracking

The next big trend in HR tech is tracking employees using biometric scanners. They are difficult to falsify because none of your team members can make false fingerprints. Additionally, biometric tracking techniques protect data from hackers and keep it in secure vaults.

Biometric fingerprint readers prevent time theft and stop friends from punching in. The technology can be used for remote personnel administration, and it's simple to link fingerprint scanners with cell phones.


Using Tools for reporting harassment

Talent managers were forced to develop quicker, less intrusive, and more effective methods of reporting sexual harassment due to the new human resources sector trends brought about by the 'Me Too' movement. Because of developments in HR technology trends, employees no longer need to arrange a face-to-face meeting with management before reporting an abusive co-worker.


Digital solutions for reporting harassment

  • Workplace discrimination reporting platforms
  • Anonymous reporting tools
  • Messenger chats
  • Hotlines
  • Bias detection tools


Upgrading technology for remote work

The year 2020 saw a significant change in favour of remote work. While this has been a slowly growing trend for the past ten years, the pandemic has given it a boost and enabled employees to work from home. New HR technology trends were inescapably going to follow.

Companies must ensure that remote workers from various locations and time zones have access to the same learning opportunities and that the working process is free from scheduling issues. Although many examples of HR software support remote work, 2022 will see a greater diversity of such trends and an improvement in their overall quality and range of functions.


Digital learning, training, and development

Digital learning platforms are just one of the new opportunities the pandemic has produced for training the workforce. They enable firms to automate workflows, exchange files and resources, and support workers who want to further their careers.

Employees are encouraged to use more initiative and accomplish their personal and professional goals through work-based learning. In 2022, this style will still be prominent. In addition, we'd like to highlight two other significant HR technology trends applicable this year.


Using technology that improves hybrid working conditions

Numerous studies demonstrate hybrid work methods' appeal to individuals and businesses. For instance, according to a report by the international recruitment firm Robert Half, 34% of professionals working from home because of the COVID-19 pandemic would look for a new position if they had to spend all of their time in the office.


Ways in which the businesses that use hybrid work will grow:

Places- There will be an increase in analytical platforms that tell teams about the worth of commercial real estate in various markets across the nation, the availability of locations, potential avenues for collaboration, and more.


People - HR managers will still be able to look for solutions that enable collaboration between office-based and remote workers.


Scheduling - Long after 2022, there will still be a need for planning and obligation-fulfillment systems.



Technology trends and human resource management are intertwined in many ways. The use of integrated personnel management systems and solutions will increase among businesses. Consider incorporating HR management solutions into your company's workflow if you want to be at the forefront of the industry.

At Industrial Psychology, we developed talent management applications for SMEs and large corporations' performance manager and Talent Hunter. Our team creates web applications using a wide variety of technologies.


Patson Chidari is the Business Systems Software Developer at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd, a management and human resources consulting firm.

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Cindy Baker
Patson Chidari
Patson Chidari is a dedicated Software Developer with three years of experience in the HR technology and automation industry. He has leveraged his expertise in React, PHP, JavaScript, and Laravel to create innovative solutions that streamline HR processes. Notably, Patson developed a comprehensive performance management system and the dynamic job portal "Hire Me Now," enhancing user experience and operational efficiency. His role in optimizing the Human Capital Hub's SEO and designing impactful infographics showcases his versatility and commitment to excellence. With a degree in Computer Science, Patson has a solid technical foundation. He believes in continuous learning to stay updated with prevailing technologies. Patson's approach to work is characterized by teamwork, adaptability, and integrity. Passionate about making a meaningful impact through technology, he inspires those around him to strive for innovation and excellence.

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