How to Resign from your Job: Everything you Need to Know

How to Resign from your Job: Everything you Need to Know
Last Updated: May 29, 2023

At some time in your professional journey, you may choose to resign from a position. Deciding how to leave your work may be difficult, whether you're going because you've accepted a job offer from another company, you're moving out of the city, you've decided to become self-employed, or for other reasons. It is critical to resign professionally to maintain a positive reputation in your field.


"Discussions about resignation are usually unpleasant. But, as Tom Chambers, Associate Director at Robert Walters, points out, "keeping great ties with past colleagues may be incredibly important down the line if you're looking for references or connections to new businesses." It may appear that quitting your job is as simple as providing adequate notice, but it is not. Here are some pointers on how to quit professionally.

How to Resign from Your Job

Your resignation might be written or verbal. It is a clear declaration to your employer that you will be leaving your position. Threatening to quit or stating that you are searching for a new job is not the same as resigning properly. The same rules apply whether you're departing on good terms or because you've been poorly treated.


A verbal resignation is sufficient if you are resigning with immediate effect in protest of how you have been treated. It is still preferable to put it in writing. Most employment contracts require you to resign in writing, so your notice period will not begin until you provide written notice to your employer. You can provide verbal or written notice if you don't have a contract or if the contract doesn't specify how to give notice.


When quitting, inform your employer of the length of notice you are providing and the date of your final day on the job. According to McCabe&Co, they note if you're quitting because of unfair treatment and are considering filing a constructive dismissal claim against your employer, what you mention in your resignation letter is critical. You should explain why you quit so that you can use it as proof in the future.


When preparing your resignation letter, consider the following steps:


Step 1: Inform your boss of your desire to resign and indicate the date of your final day on the job.

Step 2: Use this moment to express gratitude to your manager and your company in general for the time you spent with them.

Keep in mind that you could require a reference from them.

Step 3: Express your readiness to make this transfer go well and provide your best wishes to your organization.


How to quit your job Without notice

The length of time you must provide your employer before quitting your employment is known as a notice period. If your employer sends you a letter of dismissal or redundancy, they must also provide you reasonable notice before your work ends. Although it is considered acceptable etiquette to offer two weeks' notice if you want to leave a job, there are situations when you must go without notice. It's critical to consider your options thoroughly before making such a significant decision and departing professionally. The manner you leave might impact your professional connections in the future, so make a good first impression for the sake of your reputation.


Notice periods are in place so that your company has enough time to find someone to replace you and you have enough time to locate another job.


When am I allowed to leave a job without giving notice?

There may be situations when quitting a job without notice is permissible or even required. Consider the following set of circumstances:

  • A medical emergency has arisen.
  • A family emergency has arisen.
  • Unsafe working conditions
  • There have been several job losses at the organization.
  • Differences in ethics or social status
  • If you're on a short-term contract

Tips for resigning your job without notice

If you need to leave your work for any reason, here are some pointers to assist you in quitting without notice:


1. Justify your departure

You must notify your employer in writing or verbally that you are leaving without notice. It's entirely up to you whether or not you want to explain your reasoning. If you decide to explain, keep cool and courteous.


You may not have to go into specifics for medical or family reasons. However, your employer may follow up and ask for further information. If it's a workplace problem, bringing it up with your boss provides them with the chance to address it and take the necessary actions to rectify it.


2. Recognise the consequences

Both your employer and yourself will suffer if you leave your job without serving your notice period. Your employer will be short one employee, which, if they don't find someone to replace you soon, might influence other employees and potentially the company's productivity.


It's also crucial to comprehend how quitting will affect you personally. There's also the possibility of losing money, as quitting your work rather than being fired or laid off may alter the benefits you're eligible for. There's also the matter of explaining to potential employers why you abruptly left your previous work.


To write a resignation letter without giving two weeks' notice, use this form as a guide:


Resignation (Subject)


Dear [Name of The Manager],


Please accept this letter as formal notification of my resignation from the position of [position name] at [company name]. I will be unable to offer two weeks' notice due to a scheduling conflict, and my final day will be [date]. Please accept my apologies for the sudden change. To the best of my abilities, I am pleased to assist with the handover. During my time with the organisation, I appreciate the chance to work with and learn from you.





[Phone number]



How to Quit Your Job Properly

1. Face-to-face resignation

Always offer a face-to-face notification before sending a letter. It is considered quite rude to resign from a job by email.


2. Be nice to others.

Take advantage of the chance to thank your employer for the experience and opportunity you've had at your present position at your resignation meeting.


3. Maintain an optimistic attitude

Never complain to coworkers about your job discontent. Never criticize your existing work or supervisors during an interview with a possible new employer. And never, ever, ever, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, even after you've given your notice and moved on, don't brag about how eager you are to get out of there in public.


When asked why you're going, the perfect response is "for a better opportunity." If you don't have another job lined up, be more honest, but always put a professional spin on it: "This isn't the ideal workplace for me" sounds a lot better than "I despise my coworkers!"


"Your resignation should be brief and straightforward," Tom said. It is usually preferable to quit in a face-to-face meeting. Be confident in your decision to go forward while remaining grateful for the chances you've received. Also, make sure news doesn't get out ahead of time."


4. Maintain the status quo to the end of your days

Keep the status quo at work as you consider giving notice and even actively looking for another employment. Make every effort to ensure that your colleagues, successor, and clients are as prepared as possible for your departure. It's tempting to adopt a "last day of school" mentality, but tying up loose ends and ensuring the success of your coworkers is a hallmark of a true professional.


5. Obtain positive feedback

Before you travel, get some recommendations. This may not seem necessary if you already have a job lined up, but it's a good idea to have a few individuals from each previous employment that you can call for references if and when you need them. When you ask in person while still fresh in their minds, they are more likely to respond positively to future reference requests.


Unlike previous decades, changing employment every five years or so is typical, and many people feel it is smart to keep one's experience fresh and one's learning alive. A crucial career skill is knowing how to handle a job move professionally.


6. Make your letter of resignation brief and to the point.

This is an official notice of your leaving strategy that your employees will keep on file. A resignation letter is not the place to express your unfiltered opinions about a problematic employer or work culture. When it concerns your words, less is more; keep it brief. There will be no drama, no badmouthing, and sentimental or weepy material.


Maintain your composure when resigning, regardless of the circumstances. Give your formal finish date, ideally two weeks ahead of time, and emphasize your willingness to help with the transition to someone new.


Kelin Zvomuya is a consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd a management and human resources consulting firm.

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