How to resign from your job

How to resign from your job
Last Updated: January 26, 2023

Leaving your job can be one of the toughest, or maybe even the easiest decisions you can make, depending on your circumstances. When you decide to leave your job, there is a need for you to implement a strategy in place to resign from your job, in the right way. It is important to always maintain professionalism when leaving a job, the cooperate world can be very small. You do not want to leave your job in a dramatic and controversial way that will leave a bad mark on your reputation. By following the steps outlined below, you can ensure that you leave your job in a way that is both professional and will leave no disgruntled parties.

When should you quit your job?

Sometimes, when you are unhappy in your job, you may be tempted to leave your job abruptly without putting much thought into it. However, you should carefully think about it first before you actually hand in your resignation. It would be much better to wait until you have secured employment before you actually decide to resign. It is important therefore to plan your resignation well beforehand before you actually do. You need to ask yourself these few questions first before you resign;

  • It may be difficult to find a new job within your industry. Do you have the financial means to sustain yourself while you are unemployed?
  • Can you speak openly in an interview about why you want to leave your job without looking bad?
  • Are you prepared to deal with being unemployed for an indefinite period?


When you have managed to satisfactorily answer these questions for yourself, and decide to proceed, the next step is to map out your exit strategy. There are different scenarios that may happen when you decide to leave your job, you should be prepared to deal with each one of these.


When your boss makes a counteroffer


Your boss may offer you more money to stay on the job. Before you take this money think carefully, low remuneration may be the same reason you started searching for the job in the first place. The counter-offer may be a reason to get you to stay, but what happens after you stay? Will you be getting further incentivized or it ends there? The fact that you had to look for a new job in order to get more money may not be worth taking back the job.


What you should, and shouldn’t do when quitting your job

When quitting your job you should carefully plan on how exactly you will go about it. The way you leave a job may have a huge impact on your future employment prospects, make sure it is done properly.


Clean up your computer

When you leave the job it is imperative to make sure you have removed any personal information from your computer. This may come in handy when you are leaving behind a disgruntled boss who may be looking for ways to hurt your professional career. Make sure your computer is cleared up before you leave.


Don’t be negative

People leave jobs for different reasons, some may be unhappy with the current services they may be received within the company, others may be content. It is always important to avoid badmouthing the organization to your co-workers or prospective employers. The last thing you want is to have a bad record with your colleagues or to give the impression to your new employer that you are not a team player.


Help in making the transition go well

Though your offer may not be accepted, you may still offer to train the person who will be coming in to fill your position. You may also need to list down all the things you may do in your job. This will help whoever is assuming your position to know what is expected of them and to minimize any challenges they may face in assuming the role.


Make sure you have secured your new job

The idea of leaving your job for a new one may be exciting however there is always a need to make sure all the finer details of your new job have been finalized. This is so as to avoid resigning from your job without solid ground to fall back on. So before you actually leave your current job, make sure you have signed that new contract and are ready to start that new job.


Write a resignation letter

“Leaving” your job, does not actually mean that you wake up one day, and decide you will not be working at that company. It means following all the right procedures in ensuring that you leave your former employer without any discontent. A resignation letter is your way of showing gratitude to your employer for affording you the opportunity to work in their organization. Remember you were not the only candidate for that job, you were the chosen one from that pool of many candidates. For this reason, you must thank your employer for allowing you to grow as an individual within their organization.


Give adequate notice

The last thing anyone wants is to be taken by surprise, think about this before tendering your resignation. The same way an employer is mandated to give notice before dismissing an employee is the same way one should give their employer a notice period. This will allow the employer to secure a suitable replacement in time. It will also ensure a smooth transition from you, the one who is leaving to the new employee.


Be prepared for a negative reception of your resignation

When you leave your job you need to understand that your manager may not take your resignation very well. This may be because your resignation may come at a time when the company is short-staffed, or facing challenges that may put them in a difficult position. You may even be escorted out of the premises by security, especially if your new employer is a competitor of your old one.


Update your social media profiles

Once you have left your job, the next stage is to update your social media profiles. As a professional, you have a digital presence and it is important to keep it up to date. There are people who are constantly monitoring your career progression and would be interested in knowing how your progress. Keep your information up to date, you may even open yourself up to new career opportunities.




Lindah Mavengere

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