How long should your resume be?

How long should your resume be?
Last Updated: December 1, 2023

What's the ideal length for a resume?

Your CV serves as a marketing tool for your professional brand. That's why it becomes essential that you create a great resume that can help you get the right kind of attention from employers. Various candidates work on their resumes. They try to follow all the nitty-gritty details but still fail to manage the right essence of their resume. A persons resume should be proper in every aspect. It also includes the length of the resume. 

Many people tend to ignore this crucial fact. The length of your resume also plays a vital role in making your resume effective. A resume with long details and so many pages with incomplete information is of no use. It is downright suicide in terms of getting selected for the job interview. But a concise and impactful resume with appropriate length can change the whole game. Then, the question arises of how to decide the appropriate CV length. Many people find themselves in the dilemma of determining the ideal length of their resume. If you are also among them, don't worry as you are in the proper position now. Here, we will tell you everything about determining the appropriate CV length. Using these pointers, you'll be able to improve the effectiveness and impact of your resume.


Understanding the length of the resume


Lets begin with the basics. When we say the length of the resume, we are talking about how many pages are there in the resume. What should be the exact number of pages in a CV? This is the same as asking what should an ideal length of a CV! Gone are the days when having long detailed numerous pages were fancied upon by the employers. Nowadays people are used to working fast and in a dynamic environment. Nobody has enough time, and neither do they want to analyze long resumes to find the right candidate. 


Concise and crisp resumes have become more impressive. Employers prefer people who can describe their skills best in a few words instead of long paragraphs. Because of this, you should keep the paragraph length or the number of resume pages to a minimum.


What to put in the length of your resume?

Now the question arises that if the resume is concise, then what should be mentioned in it and what not! This is a valid question. Because you might have a lot of things to say about your previous work experience or skills, however, deciding which information to include and which to remove can be very stressful. You can also see online resume examples for further inspiration.


In such a case, taking a relation test is the best option. This test is a general form of editing your resume. Start by noting every skill or work experience that you think is worth mentioning in the resume. After that, look at the job description carefully. Also, read all the required qualifications for this job profile. Now comes the most crucial part of finding the relation between all your qualifications and the requirements. Analyze strictly which skill or work experience is related to the job profile. Think about which previous work or skill will help you in this prospective job. All the related skills and work experiences are most crucial to mention while other ones will go downwards. Even with tests, the length of your CV can differ from a single page to couple of pages, etc. Now lets discuss the appropriate length according to the influencing factors like industry, job profile, etc.


One page resume

A candidate should opt for a one-page resume if self-marketing is the only cause behind constructing this resume. Secondly, if you are new in the industry like you have just graduated. Then, in this case, you wont even have a lot of information to write about. So making a resume with more than one page will ultimately call for vague statements and filling words. That's why stick to a one-page resume with crisp and to-the-point information. It is also easily scannable for employers. 


However, some freshers can also have a great experience with their internships. In that case, don't shy away from mentioning all of them, even if it increases the length. But be mindful that you are not just cramming the whole resume. 


Two-page resume

If you are someone with relevant experience and several sharp skills, then you should mention them. A two-page resume is considered the ideal limit length of a resume. It comprises all your work history, skills, etc., concisely but very accurately on the presentation level. The ATS test provides the result of the six-second test. However, if you cut by presenting an impressive resume, then a two-page resume is the ideal length in 2021. Also, in online resumes, the keywords can easily be added to a resume with a two-page length. If you have the requisite experience in the field, then a two-page resume is also better as it provides a better word limit to explain all your professional experience.


A CV with more than three pages is very unusual. It is more suitable for a CV or any specific field. 


What to add to your resume length?

Make sure to add all the recent and related work experience (related to the job that is). If you have done any course for skill enhancement, then mention that in highlights. Also, talk about your soft skills. Make sure to add your basic information incorrect way. 


Making a resume is a very crucial task for getting a job. That's why to be sure about making it impactful and impressive by choosing the right length. If you are unable to write a resume correctly or do not have time for it, you can always seek help from expert resume writers who will compile the interview-winning resume for you."



This article was sponsored by Michael Clark, a guest writer at the Industrial Psychology Consultants.

Michael Clark

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