Employee Training: What is it?

Employee Training: What is it?
Last Updated: October 19, 2023

Employee training is any instructions or activities that teach employees new skills or improve their current skills and performance. Often, some use 'employee training' interchangeably with 'employee development.' While they go hand-in-hand, there are notable slight differences.

A study by Seismic differentiates development from training in the view that development focuses more on an employee's career progression, and the activities are based on areas of improvement that help them take the next step in their career.

A study by Chiradeep BasuMallick says employee training is a short-term endeavour focused primarily on improving the organization's production capacity, be it product or service.

Related: The Repercussions of Poor Employee Training

What are the benefits of employee training?

Before engaging in training activities, managers must address the most important questions: will it improve individual performance? Will training and development lead to success? However, the time and cost of training employees can create a setback.

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Increase in performance and productivity


Employees equipped with relevant training show significant improvement in performance and productivity. One study shows that organizations investing in employee training experience 11% greater profitability than those who don't. A blog by Disha Gupta shows that training empowers employees to be more efficient at work, improves employee engagement, and helps increase employee performance.

Training positively impacts an organization's productivity and performance as it equips employees with a better understanding of their duties and responsibilities as well as the competencies required for their roles. A Seismic's 2023 Value of Enablement Report found that more than 80% of respondents believed that more training would help them meet their goals.

Reduces employee Turnover

Employee training improves employee retention. A study by IBM found that 50 % of employees are considering leaving their company due to a lack of training. Additionally, 62% of new employees with access to ongoing training intend to stay in the organization compared to those without.

Related: Turnover of Staff: 33 Causes Of Staff Turnover Backed By Empirical Evidence

Improves Employee Engagement

Training is one way that strengthens consistent engagement in employees. Regular training and development initiatives can prevent workplace idleness and, in turn, will help businesses establish regular re-evaluation of their employees' skills and competencies. In addition, it influences the culture by emphasizing planning and analysis, as it requires employees to review existing talent and evaluate growth and development opportunities internally. A study by Forbes measured empowerment and employee engagement in data from over 7 000 employees and found that employees who felt a low level of empowerment were rated with engagement in the low rankings of the 24th percentile, compared to those who felt a high level of empowerment and were in the 79th percentile.

In the 2022 Emeritus Global Career Impact Survey, 89% of past Emeritus learners also said they feel more engaged at work if they learn new skills and concepts.

Improves Workplace Relationships

When employees are provided with opportunities to explore new topics, refine their skills, and expand their knowledge, it encourages them to bond with each other. During training programs and activities, they tackle challenges together. They also learn from one another by collaborating with colleagues with specific expertise areas. A Forbes study shows that employees actually prefer peer collaboration as a method of learning. The results showed that feeling like a part of a team of people working on a task makes employees more motivated as they take on challenges.

A recent joint study between the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp) and Rob Cross, Edward A. Madden Professor of Global Business at Babson College found that companies that promoted collaborative working were 5 times as likely to be high performing.

Related: Happiness In The Workplace: Why It Matters

Builds a Competitive Advantage

When employees that are up to date on the latest business knowledge and technology and possess the skills they need to succeed, they are prepared to pivot. In today's rapidly changing environment, companies should adapt to new challenges and customer demands. Organizations that haven't invested in developing their employees are likely to fall behind their competitors. Companies that are capable of swiftly adapting to market demands have a major competitive advantage by offering new services and products.

Related: Why You Should Be Training Your Employees

What are the best training programs?

Leadership training

Leadership training involves targeted learning initiatives designed to enhance the skills and competencies of individuals and preparing them for leadership roles. Such programs offer comprehensive training modules focused on various aspects of effective leadership which include communication, decision-making, problem-solving, team management, emotional intelligence and strategic thinking.

Through a combination of workshops, scenario training and interactive sessions, participants develop the competencies required to lead teams, drive organizational growth and adapt to dynamic business environments.

Leadership training programs aim to cultivate confident and empathetic leaders who can inspire and motivate their teams, navigate challenges, and contribute to the overall success of the company.

Project Management Training

A blog on Whatfix shows that project management training for corporate programs involves structured learning initiatives aimed at equipping individuals with the skills and methodologies necessary to effectively plan, execute, and manage projects within an organization. These programs aim to cover key project management concepts such as defining project scope, setting goals, allocating resources, scheduling tasks, risk management and communication strategies.

Through a combination of practical exercises, participants develop the skills needed to lead projects and deliver quality results. The objective of project management training is to empower employees with the tools to handle complex projects, improve efficiency, and contribute to the overall efficiency and success of the organization.

Related: Cross-Training Employees: Practical Tips for Your Organization

To conclude, employee training emerges not merely as a corporate obligation but as a strategic imperative. The investment in cultivating the skills of a workforce pays dividends that extend beyond individual career development to the core of organizational success. In the dynamic environment cultivating a culture of learning is not only beneficial but crucial as it ensures that both employees and organizations not only stay abreast of changes but are more prepared to handle work changes.

Theollah Suela

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