Benefits of Employee Engagement Software

Benefits of Employee Engagement Software
Last Updated: November 30, 2023

Employee engagement plays a critical role in the success of any organization. Employees who feel connected and invested tend to be more productive, exhibit greater loyalty, and are likely to remain with the company for the long term. However, fostering a culture of employee engagement can be a complex task. Thankfully, alternative solutions can aid in this process, reducing dependence on conventional methods.

One effective approach involves utilizing specialized software designed specifically for employee engagement. In this article, we will explore the significant advantages of employing such software and tips for choosing the best software.

Related: How To Develop An Employee Engagement Plan

What is an employee engagement software?

Employee engagement software is a digital tool used by organizations to actively involve, motivate, and gain insights from their employees. The core goal of this type of platform is to create a sense of contribution, belonging, and enthusiasm for the company's mission among all staff members.

Why use employee engagement software?


Enhancing Employee Satisfaction and Loyalty

By regularly collecting confidential feedback through surveys, organizations can gain valuable insights into the factors that affect workforce morale. This information allows management to take meaningful actions to address specific concerns and further develop the cultural aspects that employees value most.

Offering employees a confidential channel to express their opinions helps them feel valued and more invested in the company's vision. Over time, this increased contentment and sense of purpose lead to greater employee loyalty, resulting in long-term satisfaction in their roles.

Reduce Employee Turnover

Employee engagement software allows employees to establish regular connections with their teams and leaders, enabling them to receive the desired feedback and recognition. Additionally, this software helps employees understand how their roles contribute to the company's overall objectives. Satisfied and committed employees are less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere. According to a study by Wellable, highly engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave their employer.

Helps to boost Productivity

Engaged employees are more productive. According to a study by Gallup, companies with high engagement showed 21% higher levels of Productivity. Satisfied employees channel their energy towards achieving goals rather than exploring alternative career paths. They also experience less stress, which improves their focus and concentration on tasks. By leveraging ongoing improvement efforts driven by employee engagement software, businesses can tap into this untapped potential, resulting in increased productivity.

Improving Communication

Employee Engagement software acts as an anonymous sounding board, facilitating two-way communication between leaders and teams. Management gains valuable insights into addressing barriers and seizing opportunities, while employees have a platform to express their views. This transparency strengthens understanding within the organizational culture and fosters collaboration as different divisions align their efforts based on gathered insights and priorities.

Related: Employee Engagement: Signs Employers Need To Watch

Actionable Insights for the Workplace

According to SHRM, by aggregating survey responses over time, employee engagement software helps organizations obtain authentic, data-driven insights into the factors that impact employee engagement levels. Management can then focus on reinforcing morale-boosting factors or resolving specific issues identified as causes of disengagement. Longitudinal trend analysis also provides insights into the effectiveness of strategies and initiatives, enabling more targeted future planning.

Benchmarking Capabilities

Engagement software allows organizations to compare their performance against industry standards, providing valuable insights into their strengths and areas for growth.


According to McKinsey, employee engagement software digital solution efficiently captures the perspectives of geographically dispersed workforces through a centralized platform.

Cost Savings

Employee engagement software helps reduce employee turnover expenses, and increased productivity improves return on investment (ROI). Best Buy established that a 0.1% increase in engagement results in over $100,000 increase in annual operating income per store. In addition, replacing traditional paper surveys with digital solutions saves costs.

Opportunities for Collaboration

Some employee engagement software such as Jotform Enterprise, Bites Learning, Qooper, Blink, and Intellect include communication features such as forums encouraging innovative idea-sharing across departments and collaboration with other employees.

Enhanced Visibility across Departments

By using employee engagement software, leadership gains a unified, real-time view of engagement sentiments across all levels and divisions of the organization.

Related: How Employee Engagement is Measured: A Guide for HR Professionals

What are the 4 areas of employee engagement?

Leader engagement

This pertains to the level of engagement employees have with their immediate supervisors or managers. It encompasses factors like trust in senior leadership, perception of fairness and support from managers, and effective two-way communication.

Job engagement

This focuses on the level of engagement employees have with their day-to-day work. It includes factors such as career development opportunities, utilization of skills and abilities, prospects for career advancement within the organization, compensation, and the nature of the work itself.

Team engagement

This refers to employees' engagement with their colleagues and the teams they work with. It encompasses factors such as collaboration, inclusivity, and flexibility.

Organizational engagement

This relates to the level of engagement employees have with the organization as a whole. It encompasses factors like pride in working for the organization, long-term commitment to it, and alignment with its goals.

Related: Employee Engagement Ideas You Can Use in Your Organization

Must-Have Employee Engagement Software Features

Survey and Feedback Tools

The employee engagement software should provide robust survey and feedback capabilities, allowing you to collect confidential input from employees on various engagement-related aspects. It should include features such as customizable survey templates, multiple question types, and the ability to analyze and report survey results.

Real-time Analytics and Reporting

The employee engagement software should offer real-time analytics and reporting features that allow you to gain insights from the collected data. It should include features such as interactive dashboards, visualizations, and the ability to generate comprehensive reports to track engagement trends and identify areas for improvement.

Communication and Collaboration Tools

An employee engagement software should include communication and collaboration features to facilitate effective employee engagement. This can include tools like discussion forums, chat capabilities, and integration with popular communication platforms to encourage open communication and knowledge sharing among employees.

Performance Management Integration

Integration with performance management systems can be valuable, allowing you to align employee engagement efforts with performance goals and objectives. A good employee engagement software should seamlessly integrate with performance management tools to provide a holistic view of employee engagement and performance.

Recognition and Rewards Functionality

A key aspect of employee engagement is recognizing and rewarding employees for their contributions. A good employee engagement software should offer features to facilitate employee recognition, such as peer-to-peer recognition, rewards programs, and gamification elements to boost motivation and morale.

Mobile Accessibility

In today's mobile-driven work environment, it is essential to have employee engagement software that is accessible from mobile devices. The software needs to offer mobile apps or a responsive design that allows employees to access surveys, provide feedback, and engage with the platform conveniently from their smartphones or tablets.

Integration Capabilities

An employee engagement software should offer integration capabilities with other relevant systems, such as HRIS (Human Resource Information System) or employee databases. This allows for seamless data exchange and ensures employee engagement efforts align with other HR processes.

Customization and Scalability

An employee engagement software should allow customization to align with your organization's unique needs and branding. Additionally, the software can accommodate the growing needs of your organization as it expands.

Related: Activities for Employee Engagement

Choosing the right employee engagement software

Step 1: Clearly define objectives

When choosing an employee engagement software, begin by clearly defining the objectives you want to achieve through the implementation of employee engagement software. This could include improving communication, enhancing employee satisfaction, or reducing turnover. Having well-defined goals will guide your selection process.

Step 2: Assess organizational needs

Evaluate your organization's unique needs, considering company size, current communication tools, workforce demographics, and any specific challenges you wish to address. This assessment will help you identify your organization's most important employee engagement features and functionalities.

Step 3: Conduct thorough research

Engage in comprehensive research to identify software providers that align with your needs. Explore their websites, read customer reviews, and compare their offerings. Consider factors such as the range of features, user-friendliness, customer support, pricing models, and scalability.

Step 4: Evaluate essential features

Pay close attention to the key features that are essential for your organization. Consider factors such as survey and feedback tools, analytics and reporting capabilities, communication and collaboration features, integration options, recognition and rewards functionality, and mobile accessibility. Prioritize employee engagement software features directly addressing your organization's objectives and challenges.

Step 5: Request demonstrations and trials

Contact shortlisted employee engagement software providers and request product demonstrations or trials. This will give you hands-on experience with the software, allowing you to assess its usability, functionality, and user interface. Ask specific questions tailored to your organization's needs and objectives during these demonstrations.

Step 6: Consider integration and compatibility

Evaluate how well the employee engagement software integrates with your existing systems, such as Human Resources Information Systems or performance management tools. Ensure compatibility and smooth data exchange between different platforms to have a unified view of employee engagement and streamline processes.

Step 7: Assess customer support and training

Consider the level of customer support and training the employee engagement software provider provides. Evaluate their responsiveness, availability, and resources for onboarding and ongoing support. Reliable customer support can significantly impact your experience with the employee engagement software.

Step 8: Consider scalability and future needs

Select employee engagement software to grow alongside your organization and accommodate future needs. Consider factors such as the provider's track record of updates and enhancements, their ability to adapt to changing industry trends, and the employee engagement software's scalability to handle a growing workforce.

Step 9: Seek feedback and references

Seek feedback and recommendations from other organizations or professionals in your industry who have implemented employee engagement software. Their experiences can provide valuable insights to aid your decision-making process.

Step 10: Make an informed decision

After considering all the relevant factors, carefully weigh the pros and cons of each software option and make an informed decision based on your organization's needs, budget, and long-term objectives.

Best Employee Engagement Software 2023

Officevibe: Officevibe is an excellent choice for small to medium businesses seeking employee feedback.
Motivosity: Motivosity is well-suited for scaling companies that aim to foster employee collaboration.
Leapsome: Leapsome is an ideal choice for medium to large companies that require comprehensive engagement analytics.
Xoxoday Empuls: Xoxoday Empuls is designed for global businesses prioritizing employee recognition.
Engagedly: Engagedly is an ideal solution for larger companies wishing to promote employee development.


Implementing employee engagement software offers numerous benefits to organizations, including improved communication, enhanced feedback, data-driven insights, and streamlined HR processes. By leveraging these tools, companies can create a positive work environment, boost employee engagement, and drive organizational success.

Logical Zivurawa
Logical Zivurawa is a Business Analytics Consultant with expertise in data analysis, visualization, and predictive modeling. Proficient in Python, SAS, Power BI, and SQL, Logical develops analytics solutions that drive data-driven decision-making and enhance profitability. With a strong understanding of business processes and client engagement, Logical effectively advances analytics strategies. Holding a BCom in Actuarial Science and an MSc in Big Data Analytics, Logical is passionate about continuous learning and staying updated on the latest advancements in data science and machine learning. Logical also writes articles on analytics topics, sharing insights and expertise. This commitment to rigorous analysis and effective communication makes Logical an invaluable asset in promoting data-driven decision-making within any organization.

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