
9 Facts About Work Meetings That you can not Ignore

9 Facts About Work Meetings That you can not Ignore
Last Updated: July 4, 2023


What's Inside?

    Meetings are an integral part of organizational life, serving as a platform for communication, collaboration, and decision-making. However, meetings can also be a source of frustration and inefficiency if not managed effectively. Numerous studies to understand the dynamics of meetings and identify best practices for optimizing their effectiveness have beed conducted. In this list, we present a collection of scientifically-backed facts on meetings in organizations that can help you make the most out of your next meeting.

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    1. There were significant differences between standing and sitting meetings in terms of meeting length, satisfaction with the meeting, and task information use during the meeting. Specifically, sit-down meetings were 34% longer than stand-up meetings. However, there were no significant differences in decision quality, synergy or commitment to the group's decision.
    2. A study was done to see if people from different countries have different ideas about being late for meetings. The countries were South Africa, the Netherlands, and Pakistan. The study found that people from Pakistan had a different idea of being late than the other two countries. They also thought it was okay to be later than the other two countries. The study also examined whether someone's status mattered when they were late. It found that people from the Netherlands did not think it was okay for someone with a higher status to be later than someone with a lower status.
    3. A study estimated that a project team saved between 10 and 23 days over 123 days by collaborating electronically rather than face-to-face using information technology tools.
    4. The study found that when team members share information, it helps them work together and make better decisions. This is true no matter what kind of task the team is working on. The study also found that when teams have clear goals and work well together, they are more likely to share information.
    5. This study looked at how team meetings can be more effective. The researchers recorded 92 meetings and analyzed how people interacted with each other during the meetings. They found that when people worked together to solve problems and make plans, they had better meetings and were happier with them. Good meetings also helped teams get more work done. The study also found that when people were negative during meetings, like complaining or criticizing others, it made the meetings worse and hurt the team's success in the long run.
      Facts about work meetings
    6. When people are late to meetings, the meetings are not as good as they could be. This study found that even thinking about a meeting starting late can make people feel like it won't be very good. In another study, they made some groups start their meetings late on purpose and found that the people in those groups didn't think the meetings were as good as the ones that started on time.
    7. Meetings are important in organizations, but sometimes people don't like them. Scientists have studied meetings and found ways to make them better. Tips include setting clear goals, inviting only necessary attendees, starting and ending on time, encouraging participation, and following up after the meeting.ā€‹
    8. In team meetings, it's important to have structure and rules for how people talk to each other. A study on 59 team meetings from 19 organizations showed that having these rules helps people communicate better and stops them from doing things that make the meeting less productive.
    9. Meetings are an essential part of any organization's workflow. They provide a platform for discussing important issues, brainstorming ideas, and making informed decisions. In recent years, the meeting load - the frequency and duration of meetings - has increased. A 1973 study by Mintzberg found that managers spent most of their workday (69%) in meetings. Since then, several surveys have indicated that meeting loads have increased. Mosvick and Nelson (1987) reported that executives participated in twice as many meetings in the 1980s compared to the 1960s. Tobia and Becker's (1990) survey of 1,900 business leaders found that almost 72% of individuals currently spend more time in meetings than they did five years ago. Additionally, over 49% of those surveyed expect to spend even more time in meetings four years from now.

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    In conclusion, meetings play a crucial role in the success of any organization. However, they can also significantly drain time and resources if not managed effectively. Organizations can optimize their meeting processes to enhance collaboration, communication, and decision-making by understanding the science behind meetings and implementing best practices. From setting clear agendas to promoting active participation, the facts presented in this list provide valuable insights into making meetings more productive and efficient. By incorporating these practices into your next meeting, you can ensure that your organization makes the most of its valuable time and resources.

    Cindy Baker
    Memory Nguwi
    Memory Nguwi is the Managing Consultant of Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt). With a wealth of experience in human resources management and consultancy, Memory focuses on assisting clients in developing sustainable remuneration models, identifying top talent, measuring productivity, and analyzing HR data to predict company performance. Memory's expertise lies in designing workforce plans that navigate economic cycles and leveraging predictive analytics to identify risks, while also building productive work teams. Join Memory Nguwi here to explore valuable insights and best practices for optimizing your workforce, fostering a positive work culture, and driving business success.

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