Why Are Data Analytics Jobs More In Demand? All You Need to Know

Why Are Data Analytics Jobs More In Demand? All You Need to Know
Last Updated: June 27, 2023

Data analytics career prospects have been hitting the roof in recent years. Did you know that there are 2.5 quintillion bytes of data generated daily with over-the-roof speed? That explosion of data is making the data collection in the organization grow in scope of wanting to make use of that data. Hence, data analysts are at the front in demand of this trend.


Better still, giants like Microsoft and Google are highly demanding to hire skilled data analysts as a move to bring people to be part of big data.


This article will answer what you want to know on why data analyst jobs are in high demand. Let’s probe further.

What Do Data Analysts Do?

Recently, the need for collecting, conserving, and studying data is on the rise. It’s become an upheaval among critical actions by organizations worldwide, and its become a major significance right now.


Is big data huge? Yes, because it provides results! For a company, data is essential. So, to process and use the raw data, these organizations hire data analytics experts.


The analyst job involves using statistics and algorithms to harvest and convert raw data for knowledge. For skilled data analytics, you must give vital insights, support, and success in the companys well-versed decision-making.


Having a data analyst career puts you ahead of top-management and investor policies. The career objective is potent control over data to evaluate consumer involvement to create value.



Why a Career as a Data Analyst Is a Good Choice

Data analytics is a great career choice despite the position or place of work. In 2017, a prediction by IBM stated that the jobs for data experts in the U.S. would rise and reach 2,720,000 as 2020 ends.


The search for data analysts grows rapidly. This high demand is due to the few numbers of expert analysts. Consequently, the salary is logically high. Besides being a lucrative career, it will be effortless to move up the ladder.


If you want to be a data analyst, there are reliable tools and materials online. Also, IBM stated that 39% of data-related job posts require candidates with a master’s degree.


Why Is the Demand for Data Analytics Jobs High?

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1. Increased Connected Devices

IHS Markit, a data and information analytics organization, stated over 31 billion internet-connected devices. People are always adding more connected devices at home, work, and even schools.  

  • Desktops, Laptops, and external hard drives
  • Fax and printing machines
  • Gaming devices
  •  Home appliances (refrigerators, dryers, and washers)
  • House and building controls (light buttons, thermostats, and Wi-Fi-enabled locks)
  • Modems and routers
  • Security systems, locks, alarms for home or business
  • Smart speakers with voice commands (Alexa, Siri)
  • Smartphones and tablets
  • Streaming devices (Roku, Apple TV)
  • Wearable smart technology (watches, monitors)


Still, this is an incomplete list of all devices people use linked with the internet. Experts at the Internet of Business, estimate that 2025 will have about 125 million internet-using cars.


Consequently, a higher number of connected devices leads to more data generated. As a result, more data analysts demand interpreting that data.


2. Accessibility of Data

When people wonder why theres so much data generated, here are two main reasons you should provide:

  • Due to technological innovations and surge in data generation
  • Its easier to access data than before


Democratization of data is the extensive access of data for those who can’t evaluate data. Both the management and employees of a company can access their customers data, competition, and even their data.


While this is good, it can also be very risky. Organizations need to have skilled data analysts who can mine, refine and interpret data to help them make knowledgeable decisions.


Most companies have more data than they had even 20 years ago. This is important for businesses to access such data to help advance directed marketing and positioning for both protection and escalation of their market share.


The truth-data is all over. Thats why organizations are looking for data professionals to come up with expert data-driven business decisions.


3. Consumer Desires and Marketing

The 21st-century consumers are becoming more demanding.


76% of buyers want businesses to pay attention to their requirements and prospects. According to a survey by Salesforce, this is an internet-based stage for companies to control potential customers and pointers.


This is a clear and direct message. Customers expect sellers of products and services to identify the ‘who, what, and when’ about them. Fortunately, these companies comprise lots of data that will solve such queries; only if they have experts to interpret it.


4. Data-Driven Decision-Making (DDDM)

Do you know anything about data-driven decision-making? This skill uses raw and hard facts instead of instincts and observations to come up with well-informed solutions.


This doesn’t mean that instincts and opinion have no value. Many business consultants and professionals endorse working on data to update small verdicts and instinct to make significant decisions.


For example, with good data, sellers can tell how many more files and binders to include in the record before school shopping kicks off. Better still, data will inform the logistics companies on the quickest supply roads. Such critical small decisions are likely to help manage and operate businesses effectively.


However, DDDM is not just about data generation and creating proceedings and ornamental dashboards. It is making use of data to form essential structural solutions through analyzing, learning, measuring, and restating.



Companies are beginning to identify good judgment minds as the backbone for current times. a data analytics job will position you in a thrilling, rapid-growing situation that will team you up among top leadership from the start!


As a career that inspires you to reason and grow, the data analytics profession will stimulate and reward you at the same time! If you want to be an expert in data and progress as an upcoming leader, keep refreshing your skills with more advanced tools and materials in the field. All the best!

Dani Martin

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