What is the GROW Coaching Model?

What is the GROW Coaching Model?
Last Updated: November 22, 2023

The GROW coaching model is an acronym for Goal, Reality, Options or Obstacles, and Way Forward (or Will). Each acronym letter is a component or step used in the coaching process. The first component is the Goal, which involves recognizing the anticipated outcome. Reality is the second component of GROW, which involves understanding a current situation and identifying any challenges that may need to be resolved. The third component is to explore Options (or Obstacles), which is brainstorming potential solutions to achieve the goal. The final component is establishing the Way Forward (or Will), which is selecting the best option and creating an action plan to achieve the goal.

The GROW coaching model is a very influential tool that can be used in different settings. These settings may include the workforce, sports, and personal growth. The application of the GROW coaching approach may have a variety of advantages. For instance, goal-setting, problem-solving, and focus are encouraged by the GROW coaching model.

The GROW coaching model can be used for meetings, dialogues, and daily leadership. It was created by Sir John Whitmore, Graham Alexander and Alan Fin in the late 1980s. According to a survey by the International Coach Federation, 87% of coaches use the GROW coaching model because it is results-oriented. The GROW coaching model is the most popular workplace coaching methodology globally. The model is most highly regarded for its straightforwardness of use as well as versatility when used in the workplace. Some of the world's most successful companies, including Google, teach their managers to use GROW. Google reportedly uses the GROW model. The coaching model has up to about 70% success rate in achieving set goals.

In this article, I will explore the key elements of the GROW coaching model, is four key elements, how it works, and its benefits.

What are the four components of the GROW model for coaching?

The GROW coaching model is a simple, four-component, structured coaching model that contains all the core elements of an effective coaching session. The four components of the GROW model for coaching are:

  1. Goal: This involves identifying the desired outcome or objective. The goal should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  2. Reality: This means identifying any obstacles or challenges that may need to be overcome in the current situation. In this component, morality and self-awareness are highly required.  The "reality check" helps to describe the current reality so that the attainable goals set in the previous step can be met.
  3. Options (or Obstacles): This is when brainstorming potential solutions or strategies occurs for achieving the goal. Individuals need to be very open-minded and creative in this step.
  4. Way Forward (or Will): This is when the best option is selected to create an action plan to achieve the goal. Individuals must be dedicated to and responsible for their activities and outcomes for this component to work.

Grow coaching model

How to Use the GROW Coaching Model


For the GROW coaching model to be used effectively, powerful, open-minded questions must be used effectively. For example, when discussing a particular goal, it is important to ask insightful and open-ended questions.

These include the following: "What is to be achieved?" "How will one know when they have achieved it?" and "How significant is the achievement?".

As for the reality stage, it is important to inquire about the current situation, any facts or evidence that may be relevant, as well as any challenges or obstacles. In the options stage, one may ask about the possible ways to achieve the goal, the pros and cons of each option, and what other resources may be needed. Finally, for the will stage, the questions could include the next plan, when and how it will be done, how confident the ability to do it is, and how the progress and success will be measured.

What is the GROW coaching model in the workplace?

The GROW coaching model in the workplace improves abilities that maximize potential and boost output by boosting self-assurance and drive. It can be modified to meet the requirements of any organization, each employee, or team. The effective questions used in the coaching model encourage more accountability and awareness, setting attainable activities to achieve objectives and resolve challenges.

Benefits of the GROW coaching model in the workplace

  1. Higher productivity: The GROW model has been seen to yield higher productivity in the workplace.
  2. Improved communication: The GROW coaching model can be used to enhance communication in the workplace.
  3. Better interpersonal relationships: The GROW model has been seen to improve interpersonal relationships in the workplace.
  4. Better quality working environment: The GROW model has been seen to improve the quality of the working environment.
  5. Promoting employee growth: The GROW model is the most widely used workplace coaching model for employee growth.
  6. Enhancing problem-solving skills: The GROW coaching model promotes problem-solving skills by encouraging employees to explore Options (or Obstacles), which involves brainstorming potential solutions or strategies for achieving the goal.
  7. Enhancing goal-setting abilities: The GROW coaching model promotes goal-setting skills by establishing the Goal, which involves identifying the desired outcome or objective. The goal should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).


The GROW coaching model is a simple, structured one that contains all the core elements of an effective coaching session. The GROW model is an acronym for Goal, Reality, Options, and Will. The GROW coaching model is a simple yet highly effective framework for setting and achieving goals.

Nadezhda Maisvoreva

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