Retirement jobs you can do

Retirement jobs you can do
Last Updated: March 10, 2023

What is Retirement?

Retirement is a stage in life when a person decides to leave the workforce and rely on passive income or savings rather than an active job. Based on personal preferences and financial planning, the age at which a person retires, their retirement lifestyle, and how they support that lifestyle will differ from one person to the next.


You can retire when you have sources of income that do not require you to work and that allow you to maintain your desired lifestyle.


In a broad sense, retirement is the point in life when you no longer need to work to live comfortably and can instead rely on savings or passive sources of income to support your lifestyle. The terms \"retirement\" and \"financial independence\" are frequently used interchangeably. Both are possible if you have enough savings, investments, and a pension to support your living expenditures.


Retirement, in a more technical sense, involves a background of financial planning, whether through specialist retirement accounts to which you contributed during your working years, other general investment tools, or Social Security benefits; in Zimbabwe, for instance, people make use of the National Social Security Authority (NSSA).

What do people do during retirement?



1. Take up Part-Time Work

There are a lot of options for you to remain active in the workforce. Consider taking on a part-time job that allows you to do what you want while still contributing to your finances. Consider the following:

  • Can you be a consultant?
  • Is it possible for you to work for a non-profit organization?
  • Can you use your advanced expertise to assist a small/emerging company in exchange for a lower salary?


2. Participate at your place of worship

If youve always been a frequent churchgoer, retirement may be the perfect opportunity to get more active. Look into what your place of worship offers in terms of programs and services, and see if you can assist. Not only does participating at your place of worship allow you to get active, but it also allows you to socialize more and develop a sense of belonging. After all, a human being is a social animal


3. Do something youve always wanted to do

We all have something weve always wanted to do but havent been able to because of lifes constraints. Put it on the schedule!


4. Adopt new healthy habits

Doing things in a different and better way can be refreshing. So get those self-help books out and start reading! Have you ever wished to do something like this:

  • Make more meals at home.
  • Tone up by joining a gym.
  • Less TV, more reading.
  • Each day, take a walk.
  • Yoga is something to consider.
  • Meditate
  • Garden

Adopting new habits is a great way of reducing boredom and idle mind, thus reducing overthinking and stress levels.


5. Make new connections

Making new friends is never too late. Boredom in retirement can be alleviated by being more social. Make friends with the individuals in your area. You might also want to consider joining a senior organization in your neighbourhood.

Also, dont dismiss the opinions of younger relatives and acquaintances. They might know whats going on in the neighbourhood.


6. Establish a small business

You have the freedom to create and sell whatever product or service you want now that youre not focused on making a living. Many retirees work as freelance counselors or consultants, drawing on their years of experience. You might also think about supplementing your income by:

  • Selling homemade pastries and jams
  • Babysitting for Families in your neighborhood
  • Taking care of animals or walking dogs
  • Computer repairing


Retirement jobs for different professions


After they retire, an employee may find themselves jobless. New employment can provide a retired teacher with more financial independence, the ability to work on a project unrelated to teaching, and the opportunity to understand their passions in their post-retirement years better. The good news is that they can choose from a wide range of professions.

  • Mentoring
  • Tutor
  • Writer
  • Educational Consultant
  • Researcher

There are plenty of online research opportunities available for retired teachers; after all, research is another field in which you should be well-versed.


It would help if you were well-versed in research methods, including assessing sources, determining whether data is essential, arranging data, and presenting it entertainingly.



  • Homecare nurse
  • Nutritionist
  • First Aid Instructor
  • Part-time nurse



  • Engineer Consultant
  • Engineering Coordinator
  • Technical Advisor


Low-Stress Retirement Jobs

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Whether an individual has to work after retirement or keeps busy, certain occupations should be prioritized over others. This is because seniors dont need any additional stress in their lives throughout their retirement years, which could reduce their enjoyment of retirement or cause health problems caused by stress-related post-retirement stress. Unchecked stress can have serious health problems for an individual. Stress, in particular, can produce inflammation in the bodys system, which, if left untreated, can lead to health problems with the circulatory system.


Its also crucial for anyone looking to enjoy their retirement years to realize that they dont need any more stress in their lives.


Stress in their lives can make it difficult for them to enjoy their well-earned retirement. Its critical to remember not to get back on lifes chaotic treadmill.


As a result, if a retiree wants to work or needs to work after retirement, they should find a job that will not add to their stress level.


Perhaps a talk of the better low-stress employment after retirement is in order.


1. Putting Your Hobby on the Market

Indulging in a hobby that one enjoys and earns money from is a terrific way to reduce stress regularly. For some, it could be making model ships, woodworking projects, sewing, painting, knitting, and so on. The reality of having a fun pastime is that it diverts ones focus away from what is going on in their life.


Also, the satisfaction of watching something come to life with ones own hands and ideas is a wonderful way to relax.


Therefore, why not turn that stress-relieving activity into money instead of just for your enjoyment?


Your craft and invention can be taken to a flea market or craft fair if you invest in your hobby throughout the week or at another time. One can look at the case of Grandma Anna Mary Moses, one of the most well-known names in American fine and folk arts, who didnt pick up a paintbrush until she was well into her late seventies. Another option for displaying and selling your work is to set up a consignment agreement with a local shop.


She started painting at the age of 76 and went on to paint for another 25 years. Her art has been displayed and sold both domestically and internationally and on greeting cards and other items. Many museums have Moses works in their collections. In 2006, the Sugaring Off was sold for US$1.2 million.


2. Volunteering Jobs

If you are content with your current financial situation but crave interaction, meaningful work, and goals, volunteering is an excellent option for you to pursue after retirement. You might choose a non-profit organization that works on a cause that interests you and allows you to pursue your hobbies. You can check this nonprofit fundraising website for more information. Volunteering is beneficial as it

  • Allows you to make a difference in an area that concerns you.
  • You can discover a meaningful goal to work towards.
  • Allows you to work in a dynamic, social environment.


3. Engage in Freelancing Jobs

If you want to try something new but arent sure you want to take on all of the risks that come with starting your own business, a freelancing career could be the right fit. Examine your professional experience and talents to see what services and products you can provide.


If you value establishing a balance between your work and personal lives, this is a good alternative. Even in this situation, establishing a strong client base and generating considerable profits may not be immediate outcomes. Freelancing is the ideal way to avoid strict work schedules and choose your assignments.


4. Engage in Charity Work

Giving back is a great method to ensure that your leisure time is spent on something worthwhile. Some charities have paid roles available, but most are seeking volunteers. Since so many people want to volunteer at charity shops, it isnt as simple as showing up on the day to lend a hand. You must first apply, just as you would for a new job. In some ways, its comforting to know that the world is so brimming with people eager to volunteer their time to help others that an entire process is required to sort through them.


To view more on low-stress retirement jobs click here.


Retirement Jobs from Home:

The following is a list of jobs retirees can do from home.

  • Become a personal mentor/ tutor/ coach
  • Work as a freelancer
  • Work as a writer/ editor
  • Work as a data entry specialist
  • Work as an HR Coordinator
  • Work as a Marketing Coordinator
  • Work as an Online English Teacher

Click here to read more on jobs you can do from home

Kelin Zvomuya

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