Recruitment Definition: Everything You Need To Know

Recruitment Definition: Everything You Need To Know
Last Updated: April 19, 2023

What Is Recruitment

Recruitment definition matters for all human resources professionals. A clear definition of recruitment makes it easy for professionals to do it write. When recruitment definition is not done correctly, policies on recruitment are not adequately designed.


Recruitment is finding, attracting, and selecting the best people for a job or role. Recruiters identify and advertise job openings, review applications and resume, and interview and select the best candidates. Recruitment is the process of attracting and selecting job candidates for employment. Recruitment aims to fill a job opening as quickly and efficiently as possible. Recruitment is often a complex process involving a variety of activities and stakeholders. Some of the most common activities include advertising job openings, screening and evaluating candidate resumes and applications, conducting interviews, and making job offers. Recruitment is often a critical first step in the employment process. Recruitment is the primary mechanism for finding and attracting the best candidates for the job.

Speaking of resumes, one way to improve yours and attract recruiters is by using online resume builders such as These platforms offer templates, formatting options, and tools to optimize resumes for ATS. They also allow for easy sharing with potential employers and applying to multiple jobs with one resume, increasing the chances of getting noticed.

Recruitment is the process of actively seeking out, discovering, and employing individuals for a given post or career. The recruitment definition encompasses the complete hiring process, from initial screening to integrating the individual recruit into the firm. The recruiting process involves finding a suitable candidate for an open role within a business. It includes attracting, interviewing, selecting, hiring, and onboarding new employees. The stages of a recruitment process can involve one person or a team of people within an organization responsible for effectively sourcing new employees.


The process involves identifying business needs for staffing, attracting and sourcing appropriate talent, interviewing, vetting candidates, hiring, and onboarding. Depending on business requirements, the process may be relatively quick or take several weeks or months. The process can involve multiple departments working together to develop a clear job description before advertising the role and may include multiple rounds of interviews with various people within the company to find the most suitable candidate.


Recruitment definition from the scholarly viewpoint


"It is a process of searching for prospective workers and inspiring and encouraging them to apply for employment in an organization," says Edwin B. Flippo. He expands on it, labelling it as both negative and good. He continues, "It is generally referred to as good in that it encourages individuals to apply for employment, hence increasing the hiring ratio, i.e., the number of candidates for a position." On the other hand, selection has a negative tendency since it eliminates many applicants, leaving only the best to be hired."


"However, the act of hiring carries with it the presumption that he will stay with the company that sooner or later, his ability to perform his work, his capacity for job growth, and his ability to get along in the group in which he works will become matters of first importance," says Joseph J. Famularo. As a result, a critical review of current recruiting strategies is required.


Recruitment Meaning

Recruitment is a process that involves looking for prospective workers and encouraging them to apply for positions inside the organization. When more people apply for employment, there will be more opportunities to hire better people. On the other hand, job seekers seek organizations that will employ them. Recruitment is connecting employers with employment opportunities and those looking for work. In layman's terms, recruiting refers to determining the source from which potential employees may be picked. The scientific recruitment strategy leads to increased productivity, higher wages, higher morale, decreased employee turnover, and a better reputation. It motivates individuals to seek work, making the process more positive.


Recruitment involves reaching out to, attracting, and assuring a supply of competent employees and making a quantitative and qualitative selection of the required workforce. This is the initial stage of the selection process, followed by placement.


What is the definition of recruitment and selection?

Recruitment and selection- is part of a multi-layered process. Recruitment involves actively seeking out and advertising jobs to potential candidates and obtaining their interest in the position. Selection is determining the best candidate from the pool of applicants.


Before searching for the ideal candidate, the recruiter should consider several factors. These include the characteristics of the role, the number of vacancies they will be covering, and the profile type of the desired candidate. Next, recruiters should plan to carry out the hiring process. Finally, the company must calculate the cost of the entire process of recruitment and selection. This will determine whether or not it is viable for them to proceed.


What Is the Difference Between Hiring and Recruiting?

Recruiting and hiring are two distinct processes, but they're both critical for finding and onboarding new talent for your business.


Hiring entails seeking and evaluating applications for available positions. You might post an ad on LinkedIn or other job posting sites informing the public that you're seeking employees with certain qualifications. Hiring is recruiting and evaluating people to fill a specific function at your firm. In contrast, recruiting entails ongoing study to discover the best personnel for your firm. According to The Center for Sales Strategy, recruitment should occur regularly, not simply when a position is open. It's about raising your company's profile among bright people and convincing them that your firm is a good fit for their goals and skill set.


Factors Influencing Recruitment

  1. Size of the Enterprise- the number of employees required will be determined by the size of the business. A large company needs more people regularly, whereas a small business has a few staff. A large business will always be in touch with sources of supply and will try to attract more people to make a proper selection. It can afford to spend more money on finding qualified individuals. As a result, the size of a company will have an impact on the hiring process.
  2. Employment Conditions- The job conditions in an economy have a significant impact on the recruiting process. Employment possibilities in developing economies are limited, yet there is no shortage of qualified applicants. If there are more people available, choosing from a vast number becomes easier. On the other hand, if competent technical personnel are in low supply, it will be difficult to find suitable candidates. At the same time, appropriate people may be unavailable due to a lack of educational and technological resources.
  3. Salary Structure and Working Conditions- An organization's Wages and working conditions significantly impact workforce availability. The organization will have no trouble filling positions if greater pay is provided compared to similar businesses. A company that pays low salaries may have a high labour turnover. The working environment of a business determines employee job satisfaction. Employees will be more satisfied with their current employer if their employer provides adequate working conditions such as sufficient cleanliness, lighting, and ventilation. Employees who leave their positions owing to poor working conditions, on the other hand, will result in a new round of hiring.


Developing the best recruitment process

The recruitment process may vary from company to company based on the organizational structure, selection process, and nature of operations. The steps are;

  • Identify the hiring needs
  • Prepare job descriptions
  • Devise recruitment strategy
  • Screen and shortlist candidates
  • Conduct interviews
  • Evaluate and make the offer
  • Onboard the new employee


Recruitment is the process of trying to get people to sign up for something or join something.

Some of the types of recruitment

  • Internal Recruiting- Internal recruiting involves filling vacancies with existing employees within an organization.
  • Retained Recruiting- When an organization hire a recruiting firm, there are several ways to do so, and retained recruiting is a common one. When an organization retains a recruiting firm to fill a vacancy, they pay an upfront fee to fill the position. The firm is responsible for finding candidates until the position is filled. The organization also agrees to work exclusively with the firm. Companies cannot, in other words, hire multiple recruiting firms to fill the same position.
  • Contingency Recruiting- Just like retained recruiting, it necessitates using an outside business. Contingency recruiting, unlike retained recruiting, does not require an upfront fee. Instead, the recruitment firm is paid only when a company recruits the employee they represent.
  • Staffing Recruiting- Staffing agencies employ recruiters. Staffing agencies connect eligible candidates with qualified job openings. Furthermore, staffing companies often concentrate on short-term or temporary employment opportunities.


Related Article: The Best Employee Recruitment and Selection Methods Every Manager Needs to Know


Internal vs. External Recruitment

The advantages of external recruiting should also be considered. Fresh talent might sometimes imply new insights. Although bringing in fresh faces involves additional risk, it may stimulate dynamic relationships and growth. However, the benefits of overseas recruiting are not without cost. It takes extra time and money to hire and train new personnel. As previously stated, there is a more significant likelihood of personnel turnover and loss.


Internal recruiting reduces hiring costs and saves time. When you use internal recruiting, prospects are already used to the company's culture and working environment. Furthermore, rewarding employees for their efforts promote their growth and advancement. Promotions result in a more motivated and loyal team. On the other hand, internal recruiting might be restricting, especially if you seek innovative ways. Training fresh talent takes time and money, both of which should be planned for.



Tanyaradzwa Shava is a Talent Acquisition Consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd, a business management and human resources consulting firm.

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Tanyaradzwa Shava
Hey there, I'm Tanyaradzwa Bruno Shava – an HR enthusiast and wordsmith. My passion lies in crafting compelling job descriptions that attract the right talent and sharing insightful articles on all things HR. Join me as we navigate the world of human resources, one engaging read at a time. Let's unlock the true potential of teams together!

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