vs Which is the Best Paraphrasing Tool for Researchers vs Which is the Best Paraphrasing Tool for Researchers
Last Updated: May 18, 2023

Paraphrasing is quite common in research because you are often required to use someone else’s work as the basis of your own. You need to present their research to make a strong case for your research. And when you paraphrase, it suggests that you have a deep understanding of the subject matter. 


But paraphrasing is not as simple and easy as one might think. Although the process isn’t entirely complicated, it is time-consuming and can feel rather repetitive. 


This is where the online paraphrasing tools come in! You can use these tools to automate your paraphrasing tasks when doing research. 


In this article, we are going to share with you all you need to know about paraphrasing tools and the best options that you can find out there.


What is a Paraphrasing Tool?

A paraphrasing tool is software that uses AI to paraphrase input text while keeping its context intact and the tone natural. 


If you are on a deadline and you have to paraphrase a lot of content, doing it manually can take a lot of time. Plus, there is always the potential of making mistakes when paraphrasing content. 


A paraphrasing tool saves you from all the hassle by offering you a simple and easier way to reword the source content, without putting in any physical effort. vs


If you are wondering which tool is the best and Quillbot, then this guide is for you. We are going to review the basic and advanced features of both these tools so that you can decide to go for the one that you feel would work the best for you. is an AI and NLP-based paraphrasing tool which is great for paraphrasing web or academic content. 


This tool features a stunning UI design with a smart navigation layout that makes it easier for the user to use all the features that it has to offer. 


Here is a brief overview of the features that has to offer:

  • Paraphrasing Performance

We have tested this tool with different lengths of content, and it has worked great for us in every situation. The free version of the tool helps you paraphrase 1000 words, without any charges. You can’t find such flexibility in most of the good-quality paraphrasing tools out there. 


  • Paraphrasing Modes

This tool offers you 4 different paraphrasing modes. These include:

  • Text Improver
  • Near Human
  • Plagiarism Remover
  • Creative


You can choose any of these modes as per your paraphrasing requirements. For example, the text improver mode is for basic paraphrasing. If you want advanced performance, you can use any of the other 3 paraphrasing modes.

  • Additional Tools

Along with offering excellent paraphrasing performance, offers a lot of additional tools for researchers to improve their research content creation experience. 


These tools include:

  • Summarize
  • Content Generator
  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Grammar Checker


All these tools are quite efficient, and they deliver accurate performance. For example, you can use the plagiarism checker after paraphrasing the source research content to verify its uniqueness.


  • Pricing Plan offers you 2 versions. You can use the free version which offers you the ability to paraphrase 1000 words in one go. 


Or you can use the Professional version at just $99 per month which helps you paraphrase 5000 words in one process. Here is the overview of the features for both these tool usage options:

  • About


Quillbot is an advanced online paraphrasing tool that is known for its remarkable performance. This tool is known for its sleek UI design and the interactive user experience that it has to offer. 


The free version of Quillbot is quite limited. You’d need to get the premium version to unlock the complete set of features and power that Quillbot has to offer.

  • Paraphrasing Performance

The paraphrasing performance of Quillbot is quite exceptional. You can try out the free version of the tool to test its performance. But you should keep in mind that the free version only offers paraphrasing for about 125 words in one processing. Here is a demo of the paraphrasing performance of Quillbot: 

  • Paraphrasing Modes

This is one of the things that make Quillbot stand out from most paraphrasing tools. It offers 7 different paraphrasing modes. These include:


  • Standard
  • Fluency
  • Formal
  • Creative
  • Simple
  • Expand Shorten


As you can see, the names of these paraphrasing modes are quite self-explanatory. You can use a paraphrasing mode that you think would work the best for you as per your specific use case.

  • Additional Service

Quillbot is not just for paraphrasing alone. It is a collection of different tools and services that you can use to take your research content writing experience to the next level. Some of the tools that Quillbot has to offer include:


  • Grammar Checker
  • Plagiarism-Checker
  • Co-Writer
  • Summarizer
  • Citation Creator
  • Chrome & Word Extensions


  • Pricing Plan

As mentioned earlier, the free version of Quillbot is quite limited in terms of the features that it has to offer. You can buy the premium version to enjoy the features that this tool has to offer. Quillbot offers 3 pricing plans that you can choose from. Here is an overview of the Quillbot pricing plans:

So, Which is the Best Paraphrasing Tool for Researchers?

When it comes to paraphrasing performance, and Quillbot are both goods in terms of the output that they produce. But if we had to choose between the two, we’d suggest that you go with 


The reason for that is the free version of the allows you to paraphrase 1000 words for free. Whereas the free version of the Quillbot only allows you to reword 125 words for free. 


Plus, you can also use additional tools for free. With Quillbot, you’d have to buy a premium plan to use additional services.


This is it! This is all that you need to know about and Quillbot. We suggest that you test both these tools to verify their performance. After that, you can choose a paraphrasing tool that believe is the right fit for you.


Kelly Hall

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