How to Summarize and Analyze Large Volumes of Text with NLP

How to Summarize and Analyze Large Volumes of Text with NLP
Last Updated: November 6, 2023

Every day we face a large amount of text information, and often it just overloads our minds. The ability to summarize and analyze large amounts of text has become key to making informed decisions in business. And here is where natural language processing appears. 

Natural language processing, or NLP, is a fast-growing industry that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with computers. And what about the numbers? The NLP market is expected to grow significantly, with a projected volume of USD 12.94 billion by 2030. 

In this article, we will explore the basic principles of NLP and its role in transforming big text data into valuable insights. We will also explore the NLP mechanisms that allow us to summarize and analyze large amounts of text. So let's dive in!

What is NLP?

Natural language processing is a branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on enabling computers to understand, interpret and generate human language. NLP serves to bridge the gap between human communication and machines’ understanding of it. In this process, annotated data serves as the cornerstone for successful AI models in NLP, just as high-quality parts are essential for optimal machine performance.

Yet, it’s important to emphasize that effective text annotation often requires the involvement of experts in the area of natural language processing services. Their experience guarantees not only speed and accuracy but also the reliability of the model training results.

But in what areas exactly is NLP used? NLP is widely used in two key areas: text summarization and text analysis. Below, we'll take a closer look at the use of NLP in these two areas. 

NLP for Text Summarization


NLP-based text summarization is the process of using NLP techniques to automatically create a shorter version of a text. The main thing is that it retains the key information and meaning of the original text. It can be used to create summaries of news articles, books, academic papers, business documents, and other types of textual content. A good example of how this works is the OpenAI text summarization of books. 

The first key benefit of AI text summarization is its ability to help you overcome the problem of information overload. In the modern world, we are surrounded by a huge amount of information. This can make it difficult to keep track of the information we need. Text summarization, as part of artificial intelligence techniques, can help you filter out the noise and highlight the most important information.

Another benefit of text summarization is that it can help you improve your understanding of complex topics. When you read a long or complex text, it can be difficult to keep track of all the information and understand the overall meaning. AI text summarization techniques can help you identify key points in a text and understand the relationships between those points.

NLP for Text Analysis

As already mentioned, NLP is used not only for text summarization, but also for analyzing it. Moreover, it is a pivotal tool for extracting meaningful ideas in various fields. So that, it shapes the way we understand and use textual information. It can be used to identify the main themes in a collection of documents or understand the feelings expressed in a text. 

Also, it helps in identifying named entities and answering questions posed in natural language. Within text analysis, various NLP-based tasks play a key role in identifying valuable information. These include:

  1. Topic modeling, which allows you to classify documents into topic clusters.

  2. Sentiment analysis, assessing emotions or opinions in a text.

  3. Object linking, identifying and linking objects in the text.

  4. Question answering, facilitating answers to user queries based on textual data. 

To perform these tasks effectively, NLP requires a set of techniques. Some of them are lexicon-based approaches, natural language understanding, and neural networks. Real-world applications of NLP-based text analysis are found in such industry giants as:

  • Google News and Apple News, which use NLP to organize and categorize news articles based on user preferences.

  • Google and Bing search engines use NLP to improve search results and provide relevant information based on user queries.

  • Bard and Alexa, which use NLP to understand user commands and provide accurate answers.

  • Google Translate and DeepL to decipher and create accurate translations. In turn, this greatly facilitates global communication and mutual understanding.

Challenges and Best Practices in Text Summarization and Analysis

AI text summarization and analysis using NLP involve a number of challenges, especially if there are large amounts of text. The most important of them are: 

  • Accuracy. Ensuring that the extracted summaries or analyzed data retain their original meaning during the compression of information.

  • Scalability. Efficiently process large volumes of data without compromising accuracy.

  • Interpretability. Understand and justify decisions made by NLP models in the context of text analysis.

To overcome these challenges, best practices come into play:

  1. Use of a variety of NLP models to comprehensively understand and efficiently process textual data.

  2. Data pruning and filtering techniques to optimize the process by eliminating redundant or irrelevant data. 

  3. Visualization and interpretation tools to help understand complex patterns and support decision-making.

  4. Appropriate evaluation metrics to ensure the accuracy and quality of the generalizations or analyzed results.

Careful selection of NLP models and techniques is crucial to ensure that the methods chosen are appropriate for the intended results. Moreover, to achieve accurate and meaningful results, it is necessary to engage an expert and reliable NLP service provider to ensure the speed and accuracy of the process. By following these best practices, you will be able to overcome the challenges associated with AI text summarization and analysis using NLP.


Let's wrap up our exploration of NLP for text summarization and analysis. In a world overflowing with information, NLP's role in distilling, categorizing, and interpreting large amounts of textual data remains pivotal. This enables us to make informed decisions and contribute to the understanding of our evolving digital landscape.

Accurate text summaries and analyses require well-chosen tools and techniques adapted to specific needs. However, the experience of qualified NLP professionals, who are often overlooked, is indispensable. These professionals provide more than just tools; their insight guarantees the accuracy needed to summarize and analyze the text. Their skills allow NLP to navigate through vast amounts of text, extracting vital information to make informed decisions in today's data-driven world.

Cindy Baker
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