How To Get A Job

How To Get A Job
Last Updated: January 16, 2023

A job search does not have to be difficult, and obtaining a new job does not have to be difficult if you know how to search for a job.

Some job searchers, for example, are unaware that a handwritten thank you note received after an interview can seal the deal. In contrast, others are unaware of application monitoring systems, which analyze resumes and discard those that lack job description keywords. With this insider knowledge, you can overcome the odds and land your dream job.

Highlight your transferable skills

You want to demonstrate why you're the best candidate for the job. Recruiters want you to demonstrate why you are qualified for any position. So, when writing your CV and cover letter, concentrate on the talents and experience you have that would make you an excellent candidate. Be prepared to discuss how you'll apply those talents in your new position.


Types of transferable skills

There are three types of transferable skills

  1. System-oriented skills
  2. People-oriented skills
  3. Self-oriented skills

System oriented skills

These are related to your areas of specialization. Try to express these talents practically under each role described on your résumé to show how they may be applied to various positions and sectors, not just your field.

People-oriented skills

Companies are currently looking for professionals that can communicate remotely and lead virtual teams. These demonstrate your capacity to communicate effectively with coworkers. To illustrate your capacity to cooperate and lead, put terms like performance management, virtual training, and work delegation on your résumé.

Self-oriented skills

Words like \"autonomy,\" \"time management,\" and \"self-starter\" demonstrate to employers that you can keep on target, whether youre working remotely or not. These demonstrate to a potential employer that you are a hard worker who can learn quickly and apply new solutions to current challenges, such as those generated by the shift to remote work (decreasing productivity, burnout, etc.). These abilities may be considered \"soft,\" but they are in high demand and can help you stand out as firms continue to decentralize their workforces.

Make use of social media

The story behind your career journey is crucial when you're attempting to stand out in a crowded job market. Companies are interested in knowing where you've been, what you've learned, and how your experiences have influenced you as a professional. LinkedIn should be a key focus for job hunters. Make a LinkedIn profile and keep it interesting and updated. Your professional experience, qualifications, and skills should all be listed in your profile.

Related: Avoid These Social Media Mistakes When Job Hunting

Take time to target your resume and cover letter

Using current technology, it is now possible to sift through hundreds of resumes and identify the most promising applicants. This is done with the use of applicant tracking systems. You must employ relevant keywords in your resume to get past these systems. Examine the job description for the position you're interested in, then compare it to similar job postings. Words that occur in a lot of job ads should be on your resume, especially near the top and in context. This means that your CV may be rejected before it reaches the eyes of a human.

A cover letter allows you to showcase your individuality while demonstrating why hiring you is a good idea. Unlike a resume, a cover letter will enable you to introduce yourself to the hiring manager, explain why you want to work for the company, and put your accomplishments and talents into context. Cover letters should be three paragraphs long and contain specific examples from your previous work experience that indicate your suitability for the position.

Determine the type of company and industry in which you wish to work.

Before you start actively looking for work, its a good idea to find out what kind of businesses youd like to work for and what industry youd like to work in. Your previous work experience and qualifications will influence this. By focusing on your wants, you may begin targeting the right companies during your job search.

Gather information about the company and keep an eye out for job openings on their official website. Some businesses prefer to publish job openings on their website rather than using a professional job board. In some cases, job seekers may be able to sign up for email alerts or contact the employer directly.

Search on popular job boards

You can start looking for job openings now that you've finished your résumé, created an online brand, and narrowed down your target audience. Make sure you complete your research on the best job search engines, job banks, networking sites, and specialty job sites. The Human Capital Hub, Indeed, Craigslist, and LinkedIn are some of the most popular employment boards.

Keep your job search focused

Begin by searching for keywords relevant to your hobbies, the place where you want to work, and the industry in which you want to work. You will receive more relevant job advertisements to review as a result of this.

Only search for jobs you qualify for

It is just inefficient to screen and apply for all jobs. Make sure you look at jobs matching your abilities, experience, and qualifications. Youll have a better chance of being chosen for an interview if you do it this way.

Set job search alerts

Identify two to three job boards you enjoy and sign up for daily job alerts to assist in streamlining the process and save time. This option will send you a daily list of fresh postings to your inbox, saving you the time to comb through the same listings daily.

Practice networking

Networking is all about getting to know individuals. Everyone you meet can help you with your job search. When you start a conversation with the person, meet a friend of a friend, reconnect with a former coworker, or stop to chat with your neighbour, youre networking. Youre already networking every day and wherever you go, whether you recognize it or not.

When it comes to networking, its also about supporting others. As a result, the primary purpose of networking should be to re-energize old relationships while also forging new ones.

It takes more organization and guts to tap the underground job market through networking than looking online. In both good and bad times, being open to interacting with and helping others can help you locate the perfect job, build vital contacts in your field, and stay focused and motivated during your job hunt.


Attend interviews

How to prepare for an interview:

  • Dress professionally and appropriately.
  • Prepare answers to questions you believe will be relevant to the role. You can also check for common interview questions for the job online.
  • Make an effort to emphasize your skills, knowledge, and qualifications.
  • Investigate the company and the position you apply for.

Related: Preparing for a job interview

While you wait for feedback, keep applying

Even if your interview went well, there's a risk you wont be hired. The employer is likely examining several people, one of whom may be more qualified than you.

Every organization has its techniques of recruitment and hiring practices. You could be interviewing for a position that needs to be filled now. Alternatively, you could be applying for a job someone will retire from in a few months. You may have to wait for a callback for days, weeks, or months. Its probably a good idea to have a contingency plan. Especially if you've been waiting for a few months and still haven't gotten the job. Make the most of this time by applying for other jobs in case this one falls through.

Make sure all your documents are in order

Prepare your paperwork and materials before coming to the interview. If you're applying for a photography job, for example, make sure you have a professional portfolio of your work ready. This should contain a printed copy of your résumé, cover letter, and other relevant documents.

Send a follow-up note or letter

Interviewers will frequently tell you how long you should expect to wait for a response. Respect the period provided and follow up when the deadline approaches. The best time to send a follow-up letter is five business days following the interview.

Accept or decline a job offer

Take time to evaluate the job offer

If you receive a formal employment offer, take the time to consider it thoroughly. You are under no obligation to take a job offer. Instead, assess your initial desires and demands before deciding whether to accept or reject them. If you choose the latter, do so in a courteous manner.

Negotiate with the job offer that you are not satisfied with

Before accepting a job offer, you have the right to negotiate. During the interview, the terms and circumstances of the job are frequently mentioned. If you don't like what you've discussed, start negotiating and try to secure the best deal for both you and the company.

Related: Job Search Tips: Everything You Need To Know

Ngonidzashe Nzenze
Ngonidzashe Nzenze is a software engineer with three years of experience and a passion for building solutions from scratch. He has been part of the development team at The Human Capital Hub, where he worked on a Human Resources insights site using Django Rest Framework and React JS. Ngonidzashe has led projects such as the Time Utilization System, optimizing workforce management, and played a key role in developing the IPC consultants’ website and IPC Jobs portal. As the lead developer of Pay Genius, he created an online salary advisor system using Python and Django. Ngonidzashe has a proven track record of improving existing systems, enhancing the Talent Hunter and Performance Manager websites to make them significantly more effective. Additionally, he writes various articles for The Human Capital Hub.

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