How to Apply For FMLA

How to Apply For FMLA
Last Updated: June 23, 2023

What is FMLA leave?

FMLA stands for the Family and Medical Leave Act. Federal law in the United States grants qualified employees unpaid, job-protected leave for particular family and medical needs. Employees may use FMLA leave to care for health issues, care for a family member with a serious illness, or attend to specific family problems.

A 12-month period of absence may include up to 12 work weeks for eligible employees under the FMLA. The leave may be taken at once or occasionally, depending on the circumstance. Employees may qualify for up to 26 work weeks of leave under certain circumstances, such as caring for a covered service member with a serious sickness or injury.

The FMLA has reportedly been used by working people who needed to take care of their health or their families nearly. FMLA has been used 463 million times, according to research by the National Partnership for Women & Families.

About 51.5% of workers often take FMLA Leave for their health conditions, and 20.8% to bond with a newborn, newly adopted or foster child. Family caregiving accounts for 20.8% of the total, including care for parents and spouses, while 5.8% is attributed to caring for children within the family.

According to the National Partnership, the FMLA will have helped approximately 15 million workers in 2022 alone. Addressing a worker's critical health condition, such as serious sickness, accident, or disability, is the most frequent justification for taking leave.

When an employee returns from an FMLA leave, their employer is compelled to put them in the same or a similar position. This is known as "job protection." Additionally, it mandates that businesses continue providing their workers with health coverage while on leave.

To qualify for FMLA leave, an employee must work for a covered employer, have been with the company for at least 12 months, and have accrued at least 1,250 hours in the 12 months before the start of the leave. The FMLA covers employers in the federal, state, and local governments and those in the private sector with 50 or more employees.

It's crucial to remember that while the FMLA offers some protections for workers who take time off, the actual time off is typically unpaid. However, if their employer's regulations approve, employees may use accrued paid leave (such as sick or vacation time) to earn pay throughout their FMLA leave duration.

According to the National Partnership for Women and Families, 92% of workplaces report having no trouble following FMLA regulations. The majority, 65%, say that following the FMLA has had little overall impact, while 32% say it has had a good impact.

Workplaces most frequently temporarily allocate work to another employee (58 percent of workplaces) to manage it while an employee is away. Only 6% of workplaces report having to bring in a temporary substitute. There is scant evidence that workers abuse their vacation time. According to the most recent data, less than 2% of workplaces report any FMLA abuse.

Related: FMLA Leave in California

FMLA types


A continuous FMLA leave is when an employee has been away for three business days while getting medical attention.

Employees who miss work in discrete blocks due to a major qualifying health condition are on leave. Hourly, daily, or weekly intermittent leave is all possible. Intermittent leave is typically utilized when an employee requires continual medical care.

The shortened schedule is a leave of absence that necessitates working fewer hours per day or week. This absence is frequently acceptable for people caring for family members or needing to de-stress.

Related: 11 Reasons Why Employees Fake Sick Leave

How to apply for FMLA

How to apply for FMLA

Find out if you're eligible.

According to the United States Department of labour, you must verify that you are eligible for an FMLA leave by meeting the requirements. You must work for the employer, have been there for at least a year, and have clocked at least 1,250 hours in the 12 months before the leave begins.

56% of workers in the United States are generally eligible for FMLA. This is not noticeably different from last-year projections. Different factors make someone ineligible (proportions apply to all employees). 21% of employees are ineligible because they have worked for their employer for insufficient time or too few hours. 15% of employees are ineligible because their worksite is too small, and 7% are ineligible due to both worksite size and tenure/hours requirements.

Make your employer aware

When you decide to take an FMLA leave, let your employer know. Follow your employer's specific leave policies, which may require making a formal written request or filling out particular documents. Give pertinent information, such as the cause for the leave and the anticipated length.

Complete the appropriate paperwork

The employee must bring FMLA Medical Certification Form from their doctor to submit an FMLA application. This form guarantees the accuracy of the appropriate health condition for the employee or family member. The employee must return the form within 15 calendar days of receiving it.

Employees must submit the FMLA Notification Form within two days of being granted leave after receiving approval.

Please submit your documentation by the deadline.

Make sure you submit the necessary paperwork within the time range given by the FMLA policy of your workplace. This could entail presenting a medical certification from a doctor proving the need for leave.

Work with your employer to plan

Maintain contact with your employer during the FMLA procedure. Make all required preparations to ensure the smooth functioning of your job while you are away, including a discussion of your intentions for managing your workload while on leave.

Know the rules of your workplace

Learn about your workplace policies regarding the use of paid FMLA leave. Find out if you must use accrued paid leave or if it can be combined with FMLA leave to get paid while you are away.

According to the National Partnership, in 2022, among employees who were not covered by the FMLA, roughly 2.7 million required leave but chose not to take it out of fear of losing their jobs.

Maternity Leave

Currently, laws govern maternity leave in 18 states, plus Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico provide moms with stricter protection than the FMLA offers.

Requirements for FMLA Payment and Benefits

Only if an employee elects to take advantage of paid time off or sick leave while on FMLA leave are employers required to continue paying the employee. Some workplaces have a rule stating that FMLA leave must be taken during paid time off. For FMLA leave, certain businesses have specified paid leave time rules. Modifications to compensation or salary while on FMLA leave must be reported to the payroll department.

As long as the employee makes contribution payments, their benefits stay in effect for up to 12 weeks. An employer may establish a continuation of benefits clause for workers not eligible for FMLA leave.

Related: Paid Sick Leave: Global Trends to Take Note


It's important to remember that the particular steps and specifications for applying for FMLA leave may change depending on your company. For comprehensive instructions and guidance, it is advised that you speak with your employer's human resources department or refer to your company's employee handbook.

Charlene Dzonga
A dedicated Business analytics consultant focused on uncovering leading remuneration practices and trends, workforce planning that drives higher business impact

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