Examples Of Soft Skills

Examples Of Soft Skills
Last Updated: July 1, 2022

While a definitive definition of soft skills is tough to come up with, you may think of them as skills that arent related to a single profession; theyre general traits that help individuals thrive in the workplace, regardless of their seniority, and role, or industry. Theyre also known as interpersonal skills or transferable skills.


Soft skills are personality traits and behaviors that will assist candidates in being recruited and succeeding in their careers. Soft skills, as opposed to technical or \"hard\" skills, are interpersonal and behavioral skills that help you work effectively with others and advance in your job. Learn about soft skills, how they differ from hard talents, and the ideal soft skills to be recruited and achieve long-term success in this article.


Soft skills refer to abilities that affect how you work and connect with others. Communication, teamwork, and other interpersonal abilities are all popular soft talents. Soft skills are difficult to teach and are critical for long-term success. Therefore, employers search for such candidates. Hard technical skills are not the same as soft skills.



Soft skills are valuable assets no matter where you are in your professional career. Soft skills provide a strong foundation for establishing yourself as an outstanding employee, colleague, manager, or boss. In this post, well go through the various types of soft skills that may be found in the workplace.


Communication, personality traits, social cues, and other soft skills are included. Empathy and listening abilities are examples of this type of quality. Soft skills refer to how a person interacts and collaborates with others. Hard skills like HTML coding can be learned, but soft talents are more natural. Soft skills, like emotions or keen observation, are attributes that a person already possesses, and the more finely honed these talents are, the better.


Related: Hard Skill Vs Soft Skill

Employers also value soft talents because they are transportable. As a result, as an employee, you will be more capable of adapting to change. When assigned the role of floor manager, a cashier with exceptional people skills, for example, will adjust far more rapidly than one who lacks empathy and excellent communication abilities.




Examples Of Soft Skills

Employees must have role-specific knowledge and abilities to accomplish their job obligations. On the other hand, high performers usually have certain extra characteristics, such as the ability to communicate clearly, work well with others, and successfully manage their time. Soft skills are abilities such as these:

  • Problem-solving. Employers want to see you solve problems and keep the company in the future, so finding effective solutions for work-related challenges is a significant plus. Some jobs, such as law, medicine, and engineering, require more problem-solving skills than others. Perception, persistence, decision-making, analysis, and lateral thinking are problem-solving talents.
  • Communication abilities that work. Employees must be able to communicate effectively to promote successful teamwork, create a more positive workplace, and solve problems. Communication is crucial in several jobs, such as human resources, management, and sales. Listening, writing, empathy, and other communication skills are examples, Self-confidence, Nonverbal communication, such as tone of voice, gestures, body language, and facial expressions, are examples of nonverbal communication.
  • Adaptability/Flexibility. Adaptability and flexibility are crucial soft skills. Employers want to see their employees embrace change and be open to it. This is particularly vital in a fast-paced workplace where things change frequently. Self-organization, self-motivation, self-management, curiosity, and positivity are adaptation skills.
  • Employers want to see their staff thrive at teamwork to create a more efficient workplace. Brand management, marketing, catering, and architecture are examples of jobs where collaboration is critical to success. Delegation, negotiation, mediation, and listening are team player qualities.
  • Skills in time management. This soft skill demonstrates to employers that you can be productive in your time. Writing jobs and legal jobs, for example, rely heavily on this ability because they frequently include several deadlines. Prioritization, planning, organization, goal-setting, stress management, delegation, and decision-making are time-management abilities.
  • Personality traits. Interpersonal skills are the abilities you utilize to engage with others, including your co-workers and bosses. Empathy, diplomacy, sensitivity, public speaking, and tolerance are interpersonal skills. These abilities are vital in all occupations, but notably in jobs that require regular interaction with others, such as sales or customer service.




Importance of soft skills?

Soft skills are important to increase ones capacity to collaborate with people and can help you advance in your job. Soft skills can help you locate, attract, and retain clients if youre a small business owner or self-employed.


Presentation skills, networking ability, and etiquette awareness can help you land new clients and get more work from current ones. Strengthening your ability to handle conflicts, solve problems, and deliver exceptional customer service will help you build better bonds with co-workers, vendors, and other business connections. Finally, excellent soft skills can help you build confidence, which is a great asset in the workplace.


A lack of soft skills, on the other hand, can limit your potential or even lead to the failure of your company. You may manage projects more smoothly, create results that please everyone, and even favourably influence your personal life by enhancing how you connect with others by establishing excellent leadership, teamwork, and communication skills.


Soft skills are required in almost all interactions with other people. You might be negotiating a new contract, presenting your fresh concept to co-workers, networking for a new position, and so on at work. We employ soft skills on a daily basis at work, and honing them will help you earn more business and advance faster in your profession.


A lack of soft skills, on the other hand, can limit your potential or even lead to the failure of your company. You may run projects more smoothly, create outcomes that please everyone, and even favourably influence your personal life by enhancing how you connect with others by establishing excellent leadership, delegation, teamwork, and communication skills.


Soft skills like communication are employed outside of the office to form friendship groups and meet possible spouses. You may be negotiating the cost of your new home makeover or spending the weekend teaching your neighbours children. Both in our professional and personal life, soft skills are beneficial.


Strong communication skills are required in all industries; for example, whether working as a nurse, a hairdresser, or a mechanic, strong communication skills are required. Developing each soft skill has its benefits; for example, better communication can help your employees interact more successfully, and better time management will boost productivity.


Related: Soft skills required now and in the future


Employees can also benefit from honing their soft skills in the following ways:

  • Increased productivity - As employees become more efficient in their jobs and responsibilities, the organization will be closer to reaching its objectives.
  • Improved cooperation - For a firm to run well, employees must work together to reach a common goal. When people collaborate and employ their abilities and skills, the quality of their work improves.
  • Increased employee retention - People want to work for a company that invests in their professional growth. Additionally, improved employee retention lowers the companys recruitment costs.
  • Increased employee satisfaction – Investing in staff demonstrates that they are valued. Job satisfaction is boosted by feeling acknowledged and having a favourable attitude toward the firm.
  • Improved leadership - Soft skills assist people to prepare for leadership roles since certain talents, such as active listening and empathy, are required. This is significant since poor management accounts for 50% of employee turnover.
  • Attracts new customers - If your customers are pleased with your service, they are more inclined to refer you to others. This opens up new commercial prospects for your firm.
  • Increased workplace communication - As effective communication between employees improves, the danger of skewed communications decreases. This allows the organization to run more efficiently.


While listing your soft talents on your CV may capture an employers attention, its during the interview that you will be able to demonstrate that you have them. While some skills, such as effective communication, may be shown, you might consider weaving others into your answers to interview questions.


Adding Your Soft Skills To Your Resume

On your resume, how do you highlight your soft skills? Its time to highlight your soft skills on your resume now that youve identified them. Remember that emphasizing these abilities can help you stand out from other job candidates.


Adding a skills section to your resume is one of the finest methods to highlight your soft abilities. You dont have to list every single soft skill youve discovered in this part. Instead, look at the job description for the position youre applying for and see what talents are highlighted. Lean into those if they apply.


One of the most significant elements of your CV is the talents section. It reflects your talents (learned abilities), specific knowledge, and competencies (the combination of your skills, knowledge and personality traits). When matched to the job description, it tells recruiters and employers immediately if youre a good fit.


Then, while you review your resumes abilities section, ask yourself these four questions:

  • Are these abilities current? As you participate in training, seminars, and new initiatives, keep this area up to date.
  • Is it true that Im the only one with these abilities? You dont want to mention the same generic soft abilities that everyone else does; the goal is to stand apart.
  • Is it easy to understand my skills section? Your talents section should be easy to read, scan, and digest.
  • Is it possible for me to provide examples to back up these abilities? Make sure youll be comfortable discussing your soft skills in a job interview.


You can include evidence of your soft skills in the job descriptions in your work history section and your resumes abilities section. List your experience leading a department of 15 personnel if you want to demonstrate your leadership abilities. Highlight your biggest customer sales if you wish to show off your negotiating talents. If any of these soft abilities can be quantified, do so.


Related: Soft Skills in Resume: Everything you need to know


Although soft skills may appear to be ephemeral, unimportant skills that no one values, they play a crucial role in the workplace, not only in your day-to-day job performance but also in your future career prospects.


The easiest way to deal with soft skills is to keep them in mind and work on them throughout your career. You will have a whole armoury of soft skills to show off when you apply for a new job.


This article was written by Trish Makiwa, a consultant at the Industrial Psychology Consultants, a Management and Human Resources Consulting company. She can be contacted at trish@ipcconsultants.com


Cindy Baker
Trish Makiwa
I completed my Bachelor Honors in Psychology at the University of Zimbabwe. I have been working at Industrial Psychology Consultants as the front office administrator and PA to the managing consultant. It is my dream in life to continue learning and pursuing in the Human Resource and administration field and be a big asset/value to any institution which will use my services.

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