Customer Communication: 12 Creative Ways To Connect With Your Digital Audience

Customer Communication: 12 Creative Ways To Connect With Your Digital Audience
Last Updated: March 16, 2023

Communicating with your customers is vital to building a lasting connection with them. It can be tough to know exactly where to start when it comes to communication, and there is no single simple answer. Communication is an ongoing, ever-evolving process that requires continuous tweaking and adjustments to have the most effect.

There are a wealth of ways to communicate with your digital audience and forge a lasting and mutually beneficial relationship. What works for you will be unique to your business, brand and resources. It is worth trying out various ideas until you find the perfect combination that helps you make meaningful connections with your digital audience.

Ask For Feedback And Implement Changes

Feedback is one of the most valuable things you can gain from effective communication with your customer base. You need to know what your business is doing right and where it can improve. Requesting feedback from customers regularly, having an open and two-way dialogue and implementing changes based on their feedback can be invaluable.

It can help to monitor the types of feedback you get regularly so that you can identify pain points within your business that need to be resolved. Making changes and letting your customers know you've heard and are acting on their concerns can make them feel valued by your business and create a more personal relationship.

Partner With Other Brands And Influencers


An excellent and unique way to communicate with your customers is through third parties that customers value and trust. Partnering with other complementary businesses and influencers can be a fantastic way to communicate with a broader audience and show customers that you know them and what is most important to them. There are many ways to partner with third parties and reap the benefits of extra reach. You could make influencers brand ambassadors, do social media takeovers with other businesses, or have guest posts on your blogs.

Be Responsive On Social Media

Many customers take to social media when they want to give feedback on a business. Responding to the comments made on your social media posts is crucial to increase engagement and assure your audience that you are listening. It may not always be possible to respond to every comment from customers, but you should ensure that you reply to those raising concerns or issues. It is a good idea to devote specific customer service employees to respond to social media comments.

Generate High-Quality Content

Content is an important way to communicate with your customers and can help you build up your brand authority and trustworthiness. It is best to generate a range of content, including all major media types. Your content will also depend on the social media platforms you are trying to target specifically. A good combination of live streaming, pre-recorded videos, photos, and written content is the best approach. It can also help to hire a professional agency to help with content creation.

Show Customers What's Happening Behind The Scenes

Drawing back the curtain to allow customers to see what happens behind the scenes can be a great way to personalise your business. You could have regular spotlight posts on your blog in which you do an interview with different members of your team. Holidays are a great opportunity to showcase what's happening behind the scenes and post pictures of your team having fun and being relatable to social media. 

Understand How To Communicate With Stakeholders

The ability to communicate with key stakeholders in your company is also crucial to improve the customer experience. If you have ideas of how to change and improve communication, it is vital that you be able to get these across effectively and convince others to use your ideas.

There is specific training available to business leaders to help them learn to communicate with impact. The University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership offers high-impact communication courses online that can help equip you with skills to grow your influence and improve your communication skills across the board.

Utilise Storytelling In Your Marketing

Storytelling is key to creating a compelling and memorable narrative and can help you engage and connect with your audience. You should use storytelling for various parts of your communication strategy. Tell the story of how your business started, the problem you wanted to solve for your customers and how you did it. Ask customers to provide testimonials so that you can give real examples of how your business has benefited people.

Give Your Brand A Relatable Face

Often when it comes to brand images, businesses use models or stock photos. There's nothing inherently wrong with this, but stock images, in particular, are often easily recognisable. It is much better to use pictures of real people that can present a relatable face for your brand and make customers feel more connected. You could even consider launching a campaign using the images of genuine customers with their favourite products.

Know Exactly Who Your Digital Audience Is

Understanding who your audience is can make a massive difference in how you communicate and what you communicate to them. You should learn as much as possible about your target demographic and use this information to inform your communication strategy. Understanding your audience's likes, dislikes, pain points, and more can all be invaluable in helping you communicate effectively.

Provide Real Value To Your Audience

The quality of your communication with your customers is also a critical consideration for business leaders. In every situation when communicating with customers, you should ask yourself what the benefits are to them. What do they learn, how is the communication improving their experience, and are they entertained? Consider the type of communication content that you enjoy best and find ways to adopt the principles into your communications with your own customers.

Make It Simple To Contact You

It can get frustrating for customers if you are hard to get in touch with or if you don't offer the kind of contact options that suit their needs best. Being easily contactable is critical for an effective communication strategy, so you should consider expanding the methods of communication you offer. Email and telephone are two of the most common and popular forms of communication, but you should also utilise social media, live chats, and text messaging.

Train Your Customer Service Team Extensively

Customer service is a critical component of an effective customer communication strategy. They are the front line of contact with customers and must be able to provide effective, informative and helpful communication with customers. You should train your customer service team to the highest level possible before they begin to interact with customers. As far as possible, it is vital to ensure that customers can have contact with a trained human customer service member rather than relying too heavily on automated options like chatbots.

Final Thoughts

Communicating with your digital audience can open up opportunities for growth and expansion. It can help your brand get recognised and help you develop your reputation. You'll also need to be continuously on the ball when finding new ways to communicate and connect with your customer base, always on the lookout for the latest developments that you could incorporate into your standard practices. The internet and social media allow us to communicate with customers like never before. Any business that wants to achieve lasting success must find the tools to take advantage of digital communication.

Cindy Baker
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