13 Steps To Start A US-Based Business As A Non-Resident

13 Steps To Start A US-Based Business As A Non-Resident
Last Updated: March 27, 2024

Embarking on starting a US-based business as a non-resident blends the thrill of entrepreneurial pursuit with the challenges of navigating a foreign business landscape. This detailed guide serves as a beacon, illuminating the path through the intricate maze of legal, financial, and operational considerations unique to setting up a business in the United States from abroad. It meticulously breaks down each critical step, from understanding the nuanced legal prerequisites to establishing your digital footprint in the American market. This structured approach is designed to arm you with the necessary knowledge and tools, transforming a daunting task into a manageable and successful endeavor. 

With this guide, you'll gain the insights and confidence needed to smoothly transition your business idea into a thriving reality in the dynamic and promising U.S. market.

Delving deeper into the legal requirements, non-residents must first comprehend the nuances of visa regulations. Certain visas allow for business operations in the U.S., while others do not. For instance, an E-2 Treaty Investor Visa might be necessary for those investing substantially in a U.S. business. Additionally, understanding the implications of each business entity type is crucial. For example, non-residents can own LLCs, but C Corporations might be better for attracting venture capital. Tax obligations are another critical aspect. Non-residents must navigate a complex web of federal and state tax laws. Understanding the tax treaties between the U.S. and your home country is vital to avoid double taxation.

2. Select The Appropriate Business Entity


Each business entity offers different benefits and limitations. An LLC, popular among small businesses, offers liability protection without the double taxation faced by C Corporations. However, for businesses seeking to go public or attract significant venture capital, a C Corporation might be a more suitable option due to its ability to issue various types of stock. S Corporations, on the other hand, are not available to non-residents. Partnerships, while less formal and with no corporate tax, do not provide the same level of liability protection. Each choice affects taxation, ownership rights, and compliance requirements.

3. Set Up A Business Address In The U.S.

A physical business address in the U.S. legitimizes your business and is often a legal requirement for registration. While a virtual office offers a cost-effective solution with legitimate address and mail handling services, renting or owning a physical space might be necessary as the business grows. This address is used not just for registration purposes but also for establishing a professional image, receiving official mail, and as a prerequisite for some banking and legal services.

4. Open A Business Bank Account

Opening a bank account in the U.S. is a fundamental step in establishing your business's financial foundation. A bank account such as the Mercury bank account for foreigners caters specifically to non-resident business owners, offering tailored services that simplify banking in the U.S. This includes ease of transaction, currency conversion facilities, and compliance with U.S. banking regulations, making it a seamless process for foreign business owners. A US bank account also aids in establishing credibility and simplifies transactions with U.S. clients and suppliers.

5. Obtain Necessary Licenses And Permits

The requirement for licenses and permits varies by state, industry, and the specific nature of your business. This could range from a general business license to specific health, safety, or environmental permits. For example, a restaurant might need health permits, while a construction company might require safety permits. Researching and obtaining all the necessary documentation is essential to operate legally and avoid penalties.

6. Set Up An Accounting System

Proper accounting is crucial for managing finances, complying with tax regulations, and making informed business decisions. An effective accounting system involves setting up proper bookkeeping practices, regular financial reporting, and managing payables and receivables. Utilizing accounting software or hiring a professional accountant can ensure accuracy in financial management, tax filing, and compliance with U.S. accounting standards.

7. Create A Business Plan

A business plan is more than just a document; it's a strategic tool for guiding your business's growth and success. It should provide a detailed overview of your business model, market analysis, marketing strategies, operational plan, and financial projections. A well-structured business plan is also a key element when seeking funding, as it demonstrates to investors or lenders your business's viability and potential profitability.

8. Understand Tax Obligations

U.S. tax law can be particularly complex for non-residents. Depending on your business structure, you'll need to understand federal tax obligations, including income tax, self-employment tax, and possibly others. State and local taxes vary significantly and can include sales, property, and state income taxes. Consulting with a tax professional with experience with non-resident businesses can provide invaluable guidance and help avoid costly mistakes.

9. Establish A Strong Online Presence

An online presence extends beyond just having a website. It involves an integrated digital strategy encompassing a user-friendly website, active social media engagement, and online marketing. This digital footprint helps reach a broader audience, build brand recognition, and engage with customers. It's also a platform for showcasing your products or services, sharing customer testimonials, and providing valuable content related to your industry.

10. Hire The Right Team

Hiring in the U.S. can be challenging for non-residents due to cultural and legal differences. Understanding employment laws, including work visas, labor laws, and tax implications. The right team can drive your business forward, so focus on finding individuals who have the necessary skills and align with your company's culture and vision.

11. Explore Funding Options

For non-resident entrepreneurs, traditional funding routes like bank loans might be less accessible. However, options like venture capital, seed funding, angel investors, or crowdfunding platforms can be viable alternatives. A compelling business plan and demonstrating your business's growth potential are crucial in attracting these investments.

12. Build A Network

Building a strong network with local businesses, industry associations, and chambers of commerce can provide support, advice, and business opportunities. Networking can also offer insights into local market trends and business practices, which is invaluable for a non-resident business owner navigating the U.S. market.

13. Stay Informed And Adapt

The business environment is dynamic, with frequent laws, market conditions, and technology changes. Staying informed about these changes and being willing to adapt your business strategy accordingly is vital for sustainability and growth. Regularly review and update your business plan to reflect these changes and ensure ongoing relevance in a competitive market.


Starting a US-based business as a non-resident involves navigating a series of intricate steps. Each phase requires careful consideration and planning, from understanding legal requirements to building a network. Remember, success lies in the details – ensure compliance, establish a solid foundation, and remain adaptable to change. With determination and the right approach, your business venture in the U.S. can flourish.

Cindy Baker
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