10 Digital Skills Every Employer Should Look For

10 Digital Skills Every Employer Should Look For
Last Updated: March 3, 2023

The modern workplace is increasingly reliant on digital technology, and employers must be prepared to hire candidates with a range of digital skills. Digital skills are essential for many key roles in fields such as healthcare, finance, business, and more. As the world becomes increasingly digitized, having adequate digital capabilities is becoming an indispensable requirement for any job role.

Digital skills can help bridge the gap between traditional roles and the new wave of tech-focused jobs that are now available. With these skills in tow, employees can easily adapt to changing technologies or software systems employed by their organization. In addition to this, digital literacy allows for smoother collaboration between co-workers and increases efficiency across the board.

By understanding the importance of digital competency, employers can find the right candidates who are knowledgeable and experienced in using digital technology. Not only will this allow organizations to stay ahead of the curve in a constantly-evolving technological landscape, but it’ll also give them access to more efficient and cost-effective operations.

With that in mind, below are 10 digital skills that employers should look for in a new hire:

Understanding of security protocols

At a time when cyber-attacks are becoming more common than ever before, having an employee who understands and is proficient in cybersecurity is essential for any organization looking to protect its data and assets from malicious actors.

This person should be able to assess current security measures and make improvements where necessary, identify potential threats before they become an issue, and react quickly if an attack does occur.

They should also be able to perform basic due diligence using things like email verification tools and two-factor authentication for online accounts, as well as be aware of the latest security protocols and best practices.

These digital skills are becoming increasingly important in today’s world and employers should ensure that they have a team member with each one on board. Having these skills can give organizations a competitive edge and help them stay at the forefront of their respective industries.


Knowledge of industry-standard software tools

Of course the general skills and knowledge are important, but having a broad understanding of the software tools and technologies that are most commonly used in the industry is also essential. These will obviously change from industry to industry. If we are talking about digital marketing, then knowing how to use things like Google Analytics and various content management systems is essential.

If we're talking about accounting, then understanding how to use things like Quickbooks or Xero would be essential. No matter what industry you are in, it is important to assess the software tools that are commonly used in that field and ensure that your hires understand how to use them.

Ability to create websites and apps

In this digital age, having a good understanding of web development (HTML/CSS) and app creation can give an organization a significant competitive edge. The ability to develop mobile applications for customer engagement, as well as desktop-based web applications for internal processes, is becoming increasingly valuable. By having a team member with these skills on board, an organization can easily expand its services and offerings beyond what’s already available on the market.

Understanding of data science and analytics

Data-driven decision-making is becoming increasingly important in almost every industry. Having an understanding of how to collect, analyze, and interpret data can give organizations a better view of performance metrics and allow them to make smarter decisions that are more likely to be successful. Knowledge of data science and analytics can also help employees identify trends or patterns that could be used for marketing purposes or even predicting customer behavior.

Ability to use cloud-based systems

The cloud has revolutionized the way businesses operate, with many now relying heavily on cloud-based solutions for various tasks like storage, collaboration, communication, and more. Therefore, having a good handle on cloud computing technology is essential for any organization that wants to take advantage of all the benefits it offers. A good new hire should have a basic understanding of cloud services such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

Knowledge of digital marketing techniques

The ability to craft effective digital marketing campaigns can be hugely beneficial for any organization looking to grow its online presence and increase sales. Understanding the fundamentals of SEO, content creation, influencer marketing, social media management, paid advertising and more is critical for anyone who wants to maximize their digital reach and stay ahead of the competition.

Ability to create effective visuals

The demand for high-quality visual content such as images, videos and animations is growing exponentially across all industries. Being able to create stunning visuals that can be used in a variety of areas like product launches, website design, promotional materials or even just brand awareness campaigns can give an organization a significant advantage over its competitors.

Knowledge of artificial intelligence (AI)

AI is quickly becoming essential in many different industries due to its ability to automate processes and uncover insights that were previously not possible. A good understanding of AI technology can give employers the confidence to invest in new products or services, knowing that they’ll be able to get the most out of their investments.

Ability to use coding languages

Having a team member who is proficient in coding languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP can open up a whole new world of possibilities for any organization. Not only will they be able to create more engaging websites and applications, but they’ll also have the skills necessary to troubleshoot any problems that may arise.

Understanding of digital project management

Digital project management involves using various tools and techniques to ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget. A good project manager should have an in-depth knowledge of the different stages of a project’s life cycle, as well as be comfortable using various digital platforms like Slack, Trello and JIRA.


By prioritizing these ten digital skills when hiring new employees, employers can rest assured knowing that their organization is ready for whatever challenges lie ahead. With the right team in place, businesses will be able to leverage the full potential of technology to stay competitive and achieve success in today’s ever-evolving world.

Cindy Baker
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