Recruitment technology: Everything you need to know

24/09/2020 2:46 AM


Recruitment refers to the mechanism by which applicants are recognised, recruited, interviewed, chosen, hired and onboarded. In other words, it includes everything from recognising the need to fill out a position. Technology is the use of scientific expertise for practical or functional purposes, whether in HR or our daily lives. And essentially, we are using technology if we use our scientific expertise to accomplish some common goals. But what is recruitment technology? Recruitment technology is the use of scientific expertise to select and hire the best applicant. It is evolving and forcing HR to evolve with it.


Recruitment technology helps select the right applicants and accelerates the process more by using artificial intelligence and there is lots of data available to prove that. According to HR Exchange, as part of its HR Tech Global study for the 2017 & 2018, they asked HR experts how their organisations use artificial intelligence. 25% or more said they used it as part of their recruiting activities in both 2017 and 2018. This shows the traditional recruitment process hasnt become irrelevant, but it certainly has earned some innovative and dynamic competition from tech-driven, mobile-first solutions.


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